Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1952 - Oct 1953)

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An Amazing NEW PLAN! Make Friends. ..Make Money..! MORE THAN 100 BEAUTIFUL STYLES to choose from! mm* GET THESE DRESSES Vorit fay i Penny. 1 and Make Fine Extra Money Even in Your Spare Time WOMEN LIKE YOU! (Read these Exceptional Records) 2 Honrs Pais $10 J) My first experience netted me $10.00 in about 2 hours. It was fun, and I made new friends. Mrs. S. W. COLE, West Virginia. Made $38 la Week Spare Time Imagine! Inside less than a week I made S30.00 cash, putting in oniv spare time, as I am a housewife. LOUISE ZULA, Wisconsin. Hasn't Boueht Dresses ii VA Years I work only part time and only among friends, and I haven't bought a dress or suit since starting a year and a half ago! EL A J X E SCHECTER, Indiana. Ho Looser Boys Dresses! The dresses I used to buy 1 now get without paying for them! And I make S12.00 to 815.00 in a week spare time besides! DOROTHY HOUGH, Missouri, til His SHI | You've never read more exciting news! Think of seeing more than 100 beautiful latest-style dresses — and you can take your pick in YOUR OWN favorite fabric, style, color and size WITHOUT PAYING EVEN ONE CENT, on this brand new introductory plan! And all you do now is mail the coupon at the bottom of this page! You'll receive ABSOLUTELY FREE the most thrilling display of gorgeous styles you ever saw— all the latest models, the newest colors, all the popular fabrics — separates, mix-and-match, convertibles, casuals — suits, sportswear, and hosiery and lingerie too! You select the dresses you want and they're YOURS, simply for showing the beautiful styles and sending just a few orders for friends, neighbors, or members of your family. That's all! You don't pay one cent for your own dresses — and you can get dress after dress for yourself this easy way! You'll Foil in Love with This Way to Make Extra Money! The moment folks see the beautiful styles, the vast selection, and the LOW, MONEY-SAVING PRICES, they want you to send to famous Harford Frocks for dresses just like them. And for sending us their selections you get your own dresses without paying a single penny — and you can actually make several dollars in one hour of spare time besides! Don't wait! We'll send you everything you need . . . JUST MAIL COUPON BELOW! Send no money ! Just write your name, address, and dress size on coupon below (paste it on a postcard) and mail it, and we'll send you the big valuable style display so you can start at once getting your personal dresses without one cent of cost and collecting EXTRA CASH besides. Mail the coupon NOW! HARFORD FROCKS, Inc. Dept. J-537, Cincinnati 25, Ohio ^ — PASTE ON POSTCARD— AND MAIL! Harford Froeks, Inc., Dept. J-537, Cincinnati 25, Ohio RUSH ABSOLUTELY FREE the big, valuable Harford Frocks Style Display so I can start quickly getting personal dresses without paying one penny for them, and make extra money in spare time besides. Name. , FREE! Address . City. State. Dress Size Age .