Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1952 - Oct 1953)

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perience for Gable, but not so for Ava Gardner, who likes her solid comfort. Ask her if she ever wants to go back, and she'll answer simply, but with a load of conviction, "No thanks. I've had it!" While she was on location, she made the best of it, even down to entertaining the principal actors and the director with spaghetti and hot dog dinners outside her tent. They also had movies several times weekly, including "Two Girls And A Sailor," in which Ava had a bit part of one line, and which she had never seen. The second major safari took the company to the Northern frontier near Ethiopia, where they stayed a little more than a week, and then the main actors flew back to England to complete the interior scenes. Probably the happiest of the lot was Ava, who confessed that a real bathtub never looked so good to her, while Gable himself thought only fondly of the whole experience. Newshawks have made much of the fact that he has been squiring pretty model Suzanne Dadolle quite a bit of late throughout Europe, but don't listen for wedding bells. Gable says he likes her because she makes him laugh, and he isn't one who's particularly prone to laughter. Nor does he date her as steadily as the columnists would have you believe. ENt> FALLEN IDOL? [CONTINUED FROM PACE 31] — in New York and Toronto on a night club tour — brought about no change in her attitude, he joined her in Las Vegas for her opening night at the Desert Inn. Although Janie had given him no encouragement, so convinced was Geary that his pilgrimage had been successful that he told a friend in Las Vegas that everything was all right between them. Yet an hour later Janie told the same friend she had not changed her mind! Back in Los Angeles, instead of giving up his fight, Geary only changed his tactics. So far he had asked, pleaded, and hoped. Now he became more aggressive. "I won't go back to see Janie in Las Vegas unless she asks me to see her," he stated, very determinedly. But Janie didn't ask. Geary thought by heading in the other direction, he'd show his independence. And so he accepted an invitation to go fishing in La Paz, Mexico. All he got out of it was an infected foot when he stepped on a poisonous plant. As time slipped by and Janie's stay in Las Vegas drew to a close, and she still hadn't filed for divorce, speculation ran high that Geary and Janie had worked out their differences after all. Geary himself was so certain that he completed moving into their new twostory colonial home on Sunset Boulevard. His hope persisted till the day before she came back. It wasn't shattered till Janie officially announced her intentions to file for divorce, in Los Angeles. What started the rift? Who was to gentle new deodorant has moistu re shield to keep underarms Instantly— Fresh Cream Deodorant forms an invisible shield to protect you and your clothes. Wonderful news! Gentle new Fresh with "moisture-shield," used daily, ends the problem of perspiration moisture which stains fabrics and causes unpleasant odor. Yes, you're really protected with Fresh! For the new Fresh formula is superior in anti-perspirant action — acts instantly like an invisible shield to keep you from offending — your clothes safe. University scientists have proved that gentle new Fresh has up to 180% greater astringent action than other leading cream deodorants . . . and it's the astringent action that keeps underarms dry. Try this creamy-soft new Fresh today. Regular or Chlorophyll. Fresh is a regr. trademark of the Pharma-Craft Corporation. Fresh is also manufactured and distributed in Canada J I (=Rl.s.b ® keeps you Lovely to Love 57