Screenland Plus TV-Land (Nov 1953 - May 1955)

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DORIS DAY continued "Doris is always so gay I almost forgot how well she can emote 'til I saw 4 Young at Heart I DIDN'T know there was a dog in her new film. Hm, I wonder "YOUNG AT HEART later that she had forgotten about me.) Then another hour went by, and I heard her whistling and calling me. It seemed undignified to bark back at her, so I waited. Less than fifteen minutes later, my mistress came home and ran to the front porch. "Smudgy," she shouted. "Smudgy." I felt so choked up I couldn't even bark. Then she and her mother disappeared down the street. I barked, but they didn't hear me. I watched them stop at each house and ask for me. I jumped into the front seat and barked louder. My mistress started running towards me. She opened the door and held me so tightly I could hardly breathe and I didn't even care, because I could feel her tears against my fur. It was only a few weeks after this that we were about to go to sleep when she took both my paws between her hands and said, "Smudgy, I'm going to tell you something I haven't told anyone. I'm going to be married." She looked at me and I felt obliged to smile and wag my tail, although I was really wondering how this would affect us. She seemed to know what I was thinking. "Don't worry, Smudgy," she said. "Marty and I couldn't do without you." It made me feel a great deal better to know that it was Marty she was going to marry, since he already knew the right way to scratch my ears and the correct height to bounce tennis balls. He wouldn't have to be trained. And yet it did give me a funny feeling to realize that my life was going to change. I didn't have to worry. Marty and my mistress got married and went on a honeymoon while I stayed home to guard the house. The big change came a few months later. We moved. The new house had a volleyball court and a swimming pool and lots more ground to protect so I grew quite ferocious towards dangerous people like the milkman. Someone had left a pile of bricks in the yard so I had a new gift to bring my mistress each night. I learned to do a very good swan dive off the high board by watching Marty, and the people next door had a tennis court so I was properly supplied with balls and could show off whenever anyone came to swim MOODY but brilliant Frank Sinatra is the cause of Doris' sadness. SHE should have married Gig Young, but then there'd be no story.