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Screenland Plus TV-Land (Jul 1959 - May 1960)

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MIDSUMMER SPECIAL! Baby's First Shoes BRONZE-PLATED IN SOLID METAL Only Limited time only! Baby's precious shoes gorgeously plated in SOLID METAL for only $3.99 a pair. Don't confuse this offer of genuine lifetime BRONZE-PLATING with painted imitations. Your money back if not 100% satisfied. Also mounted on all-metal Portrait Stands (shown above), ashtrays and bookends at Factory-toYou savings. A perfect Gift for Dad, Grandparents, etc. SEND NO MONEY! Rush name and address today for full details, special money-saving certificate and handy mailing sack. AMERICAN BRONZING CO., p.o.b« 5533-0, b^omo FREE HOLLYWOOD ENLARGEMENT f^our Favorite P/tofo From Famous Hollywood Film Studios Just 10 get acquainted, we will make you a beautiful 5x7 silvertone portrait enlargement of any snapshot, photo or negative. Be sure to include color of hair, eyes and clothing and get our bargain offer for having your enlargement beautifully handvy colored in oil and mounted in a VSi<^^ handsome frame. Limit 2. Enclose 10c for handling and mailing each enlargement. Originals returned. We will pay $100.00 for childrens or adult pictures used in our advertising. Act NlOW! U.S.A. only. HOLLYWOOD FILM STUDIOS, Dept.F-634 7021 Santa Monica Blvd., Hollywood 38, Calif. POEMS * Wanted To Be Set To Music J by America's Largest Song Studio. * Send Poems. Immediate consideration. * Phonograph Records Made FIVE STAR MUSIC MASTERS, 240 BEACON BLOC, BOSTON, MASS. The skilled hand of the German gunsmith is responsible for this .22 caliber, 6-shot repeater automatic with self-ejecting clip. Just 4" long, fits easily into pocket or purse. Ideal for sporting -events, stage use. (not available to Calif, residents). Comes for $6.96 ppd. from Best Values, Dept. K-532, 4 03 Market, Newark, New Jersey. ARTHRITIS? I have been wonderfully blessed in being able to return to active life after suffering from head to foot with muscular soreness and pain. Most all joints seemed affected. According to medical diagnosis, I had Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rheumatism and Bursitis. For free information write: MRS. LELA S. WIER 2805 Arbor Hills Drive 167 P. O. Box 2695 Jackson, Mississippi 64 River Boat Gal continued from page 51 This may give a little pause to some of the eager gentlemen who are standing in line to date her. TEN, she said. And we think she meant it. She likes to date men "who will fight with me a little bit. You see, I like lead" ers, not followers, and a man has to stand up for his opinions. Nick Adams and I have had some splendid times fighting and we both enjoy it very much." She saw a good deal of Singer Andy Williams when he was on the Coast recently and she finds him a good man in an argument, too. She added, "Andy has a warm, wonderful quality. He knows about people . . . and that is so important. And he cares about people . . . which is still more important . . ." She went on,"I also go out frequently with an insurance man, a grocer and a wonderful poet," she said. "And others. I am interested in all kinds of people." The potential father to those ten babies? She feels about him much as she feels about the home for which she is diligently searching. "When I see him, I am sure I shall know," she says, definitely. "I just hope that he will agree with me." We rather anticipate that he will. Kathy is a pretty choice little dish and with that determined chin of hers. . . . well, a man might find it difficult to elude her, even if he wanted to. Which seems definitely unlikely. She thinks she would like a job in which she could help to plot and run other people's lives. "An agent, perhaps, or a manager or a press representative. I am always sure that I know better than other people what is good for them, although they don't always agree with me. I'd like to manage other people's lives." (There's another thing for those suitors to think about!) You wouldn't expect this managerial streak in a girl who looks so feminine and who talks in such a soft, gentle voice. But she said it, herself. "People don't organize themselves," she pronounced. "I read with a new little actress at Desilu yesterday and she was awfully good. I mean, she read well. But she really won't get anywhere until she organizes her life. She must set aside portions of it, the major part for her career, of course . . . all the study and effort that goes toward that. But she must also have time for fun and for romance, for experiences. She has to grow, you see. "Oh, I wish I could manage other people's lives!" She is as independent about her housekeeping and her entertaining as she is about everything else. "I have a sort of half apartment on a Hollywood hill," she says. "I have a cleaning woman and a gardener but I don't clean or garden. I will garden, of course, when I get my own house. I'm going to have such interesting plants especially the ones that people tell 'won't grow' in Southern California. I a to experiment with those." Kathy, you may have gathered, en obstacles, even horticultural ones. She likes to entertain in small gro "I don't have much furniture," she s cheerfully, "so mostly people have tc on the floor. "But if they really wan come to see me, they don't mind. If i do mind they are quite free to stay aw; She likes to cook and here, too, sh not to be bound by any cookbooks or rections or advice. "I experiment and I don't mind tel you that I have done some rather won ful things with seafoods and noodles with pork and rice. Did you know you can make a wonderful casserole i a base of cottage cheese? I have fo out lovely things to do with herbs spices . . . but no one told me. I b them out, myself. I don't want to be to Kathy doesn't want to be "told" al anything, it is perfectly apparent. W you say this girl has a mind of her i you are uttering a colossal understatem Take clothes. Most Hollywood love take advice from their studios and ; scribe to expensive designers. Not Ka "Clothes?" she asks, happily. "I d have a 'designer.' I have a dress make design my own things. I lie down and he cuts around me. I had one di\ satin coat for a premiere recently. J the dress was velvet ... I had to be sc into it at the last moment. It was re: very successful. "I like cosmic colors . . . avocado purple (purple, I told you before, i spiritual color). I like the cola colors rehearsals. And gold, of course. Lots happy, happy gold. "I will not be caught dead in jeans I'm no comic strip character. But I I raw silks and heavy satins and brocai I enjoy Don Loper tailored suits, altho I don't get to wear them very often." J here Kathy seemed a bit wistful about KATHY, here with Jack Haley, Jr., determined girl who knows what she wa