Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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Leila Hyams The eyes that taught a man there was more in life than being a bandit «« Leila Hyams, who plays ' Anne Marlowe” in "Bighouse” the intense drama of prison and love which has been pronounced a triumph of drama and realism. Leila s brother, played by Robert Montgomery, it is predicted, will become one of the most memorable performances on the screen. Chester Morris, playing the bandit who is wronged by Montgomery, and escapes to wreak vengeance on Leila, gives a second performance comparable to his powerful characterization in "Alibi.” The cast with which Leila Hyams is associated in the gripping tragedy of this legion of the damned is notable, and includes Lewis Stone, Zazu Pitts, George Marion, Karl Dane, Mathew Betz, Eddie Lambert, Dewitt Jennings, Roscoe Ates and «« villain of them all « « Wallace Beery!