Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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Mr. Sigmund Romberg Distinguished ^American Composer ■ BUG-ART 1 PIANO AEO DUO-ART ORGAN This noted composer of “The Desert Song," “The Student Prince," “Maytime,” “Blossom Time,” “Princess Flavia” and “The New Moon” owns a Steinway Duo-Art Piano and an Aeolian Duo-Art Pipe Organ. His latest operetta, “Nina Rosa,” was composed entirely at the Aeolian Organ. In no other way can he have under his fingers the orchestral colorings that are at once an inspiration and a realization. He was not easy to please. Many conferences and painstaking study of the stops of different quality were neces sary to assure him not only of the supreme quality of the individual voices, but their blending had to be perfection itself to please this exacting critic. Mr. Romberg writes: “The amount of coloring and shading, and the advantages which one gains by composing with a Duo-Art Organ are almost unlimited. The instrument was the greatest satisfaction to me, catering to my varying moods in every circumstance, and I wi^a to thank the staff of the Aeolian Company for having conceived the instrument that has proved itself to be PERFECTION." The importance of the relation of the DUO'ART principle to the art of music is emphasized by the serious use of the DUO'ART Piano and Aeolian Organ by this famous American composer. The DuoArt is incorporated in the world-famous Steinway, Weber, Steck, and Stroud Pianos. BIRKEL MUSIC CO. 446-448 SO. BROADWAY LOS ANGELES . , . CALIFORNIA