Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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THE STORY OF TRADER HORN Expedition Starts • TRADER HORN was impatient. He was anxious to be off to the Isorga country and his safari had been ready for two days, still he waited at Jagori, the village at the mouth of the Isorga River where expeditions outfitted for the interior. The reason for the delay was that he had promised to take with him the son of a business friend, a young Peruvian who wished to see the country. Just as Horn was about to give him up the young man arrived, and Horn was pleased to find him a likeable young chap, of good muscular build and an excellent marksman. Horn immediately dubbed him Peru, and decided that he would not be as much of a drag on the expedition as he had feared at first. Once above the rapids, they and their attendants, including Renchero, the giant gun-bearer and Horn’s devoted servant, took to the small canoes and the journey became distinctly less pleasant. At every village where they stopped to trade they heard wild rumors of juju rites and cannabalistic orgies among the Isorga tribe. • continued on next page • Peru and the beautiful white goddess whom he has come to cherish and love with all the ardor of his stout young heart. Here, in the midst of the treacherous jungle country, beset on all sides by dangerous native tribes, the two young people pause for a rest.