Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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The White Goddess • HORN announced to the King the extent of his merchandise and his intention of bartering with the Isorga. “My people are frenzied and grown mad from eating the flesh of their own brothers and wander through the streets of our village singing and shouting without knowing who stands on their left hand or walks upon their right,” the King said. “Then it is time for us to leave your village,” said Horn. After sneaking stealthily from the village the three men set out upon their hazardous journey through the dense jungle. Along towards dawn, utterly exhausted from hacking their way through the net-like foliage, the trio lay down for sleep near a pool, hidden by the thick brush. It must have been about midday that they were awakened by the sound of women’s voices and the splashing of water. Then, they beheld a sight that brought gasps of astonishment to the three men. It was the figure of a beautiful white woman, stark naked, with long, blonde hair falling down over her superb shoulders, who stood among the blacks and spoke to them in their tongue. Then the women spied them and set up a shrill cry that pierced the jungle silence. • continued on next page * Trader Horn, Renchero, the gunbearer, Nina, the white goddess, and Peru listen intently for the wardrums of the pursuing savage Isorga. Caught in the tentacles of the jungle, the foursome await the coming of one of the deadliest tribes of the Darkest Continent. Hopelessly outnumbered, their outcome is in the hands of Trader Horn, fearless explorer merchant. •