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Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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THIS MIGHT BE YOUR LUCKY NUMBER— See page 11 2852 San Diego v SECTION j VOL. I MARCH, 1931 NO. 8 , . . Stop at -CHOP ... for Delicious Things to Eat ana Drink empting . . . Ice Creams and Home Made Cake If you like real CHILI Try Our’s Candies of Quality Opposite Fox Theatre On B Street A Few Steps West WHAT CHANCE HAS DOUBLE? Film Understudy Usually Finds Resemblance to Star Handicap to Own Future Career By Alma Whitaker What chance has the understudy in motion pictures? Precious little. Every so often one hears about a capable understudy hopping into a stage role and making a triumphant success in the absence of the star, but even such incidents are infrequent. Actually there is no such thing as an understudy in pictures, for, of course, the same personality must continue the role through to completion. They do, however, occasionally make use of a double, mainly to do the standing around while focuses are being adjusted, scenes being planned and so forth. These people, just because of their resemblance to a star, usually find it almost impossible to become famous on their own account. Greta Garbo Double Greta Garbo has a double, Geraldine Dvorak, who has been more fortunate than most. For Greta she just does the “standing in,” as they call it, but, she wears clothes so sumptuously and has such an air with her, that she is used by pretty well all the studios in society scenes, often being given a “bit.” She was, for instance, in the Monte Carlo scene in “Son of the Gods.” Then, too, rival studios find it amusing to be apparently using Greta in a minor role. One of the most famous doubles is Erich Tetit, living spirit of Dick Barthelmess. He dresses exactly as Dick dresses and often even deceives the people on the lot. Hence he not only doubles for Dick in occasional long shots, but he autographs pictures for him and sees tiresome people. Ahem — wonder if it really was Dick I interviewed that last time? Erich gets $25 a day and may not work for anyone else. Billie Dove used a double occasionally. Olive Hatch, who is enough like Billie to deceive at a distance. But now that Billie has left the pictures, Olive returns to her real life role of 100yard dash swimming champion for the L.A.A.C. Loretta Young’s sister, Polly Ann Young, is a remarkable replica of her sister, and occasionally performs the more irksome “standing in” for Loretta. But just because of this marked likeness, Polly Ann is doomed to remain a double. Corrinne Griffith’s double was Cornelia JOSEPH J. RUSSO City Council YOUNG ! HONEST! FEARLESS! Russo Is the Type of Official Needed at the City Hall .... Russo Says — “if the voters of San Diego honor me by electing me councilman I will do all in my power to make our city a place that people will be glad to call home.” Signed: JOSEPH J. RUSSO. (Political Advertisement) CHOCOLATE