Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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SAN DIEGO SECTION 7 NankingCafe. Dine.. Dance Music By Our NEW JAZZ ORCHESTRA From 7 to 8 p. m. Saturday night and 9:30 to 1:30 Saturday night Other Nights except Monday Kalanquin’s Entertainers from 9:30 to 12:30 Chop Suey and Chow Mein Our Specialties No Cover Charge Open daily from 10 a.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday — 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. FIFTH AVENUE at ISLAND Music from 6 ’till Midnight Atmosphere .... If it were not profitable, would movie directors and theatrical producers pay thousands of dollars for scenery and costumes? Likewise advertisers, they use COLOR APPEAL to give just the back' ground that will create the proper ATMOSPHERE. Use good print' ing with color to stimulate your business. The slight extra cost is negligible for the results obtained. DOVE & ROBINSON, Ltd. PRINTERS 648 Fourth Street Telephone Main 4645 SOCIETY By Dorothy M. King March, the first month of spring, has an unusually gay social program, and two brilliant functions, the La Jolla Charity ball and the Rest Haven Benefit ball, have been arranged the fourteenth to usher in the vernal season. Both affairs will be in the nature of Irish fetes and a St. Patrick’s day motif will be developed in the decorations and programs. The Rest Haven ball will be given in the Hotel del Coronado and will be the 10th annual event given for the benefit of Rest Haven home for undernourished children. Each year the ball is given for a specific purpose. Last year the proceeds from the colorful Spanish fiesta were used to build an addition to the girls’ dormitory, thus making the preventorium available to many more children. This year it is hoped that a central heating plant may be installed The committee in charge of the ball is composed of Mrs. Francis H. Mead, Mrs. Louis G. Perna, Mrs. Terry Barker and Mrs. James S. Churchill. The box reservation committee includes Mrs. F. Leigh Nason and Miss Alice Wares. Col. J. M. Huey will have charge of the entertainment. Prominent society folk of San Diego, Coronado, La Jolla and Chula Vista will act as patrons and patronesses for the ball. On the same evening the lounge of the picturesque Casa de Manana will be the setting for another colorful St. Patrick’s fete, which will benefit the Scripps Memorial hospital. The event is being sponsored by the Woman’s Auxiliary of the hospital, which is giving its best efforts to aid the hospital in its free service which it is giving to those, who unprepared, have been overtaken by illness. The auxiliary was organized three years ago and has taken the work of the hospital into families within a radius of 10 miles by inviting representatives from the outstanding organizations within this radius to join the organization. Mrs. Morrison Hopkins, leader of La Jolla’s social and cultural groups, is general chairman, and she is supported by Mrs. A. P. Mills, president of the Woman’s Auxiliary. Mrs. E. H. Decker, treasurer of the group, heads the committee on tickets and sales, assisted by Mrs. Rowland C. Hayden, Mrs. T. Lewis Morse, Mrs. R. W. Thrift and Miss Maude Wyckoff. Mrs. Lida V. Bevis is chairman of entertainment and decorations. On this committee is Mrs. Morrison Hopkins, Mrs. Edward N. Stewart, Mrs. Robert Elliott, Mrs. Percival Adams, Miss Jean Andrews, Miss Ruth McKittrick and Miss Myrtice Baker. Mrs. Lucia S. Hopkins, chairman of pub FOURTH AND C STREETS POPULAR WEEK-END VAUDEVILLE ENSEMBLE WITH KALS KLASSY KLAN Furnishing the Music IS NOW A REGULAR SATURDAY and SUNDAY FEATURE THE ONLY THEATRE IN TOWN SHOWING FEATURE TALKING PICTURES and VAUDEVILLE SATURDAY and SUNDAY m* PRICE— OlJC Any Seat THE BALANCE OF THE WEEK THE PICK OF Talking PICTURES FOR 25c Any Seat — Any Time /