Screen Mirror (Jun 1930 - Mar 1931)

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model miss macdonald • EXQUISITELY fashioned of beaded tulle and fitted like a glove fd the slim body of gorgeous Jeanette MacDonald, is the Empire Model above. A couple of yards of chiffon kerchief and a double string of pearls are the only other accessories that Miss MacDonald depends upon to bring out the beauty of the fabric, besides her own lovely curves. It might be added that the girdle appears to be of small crystals and pearls and that she wears white satin slippers and oh yes, sports a bracelet of diamonds and blue sapphires. Jeahette wears this stunning gown in the Fox production of “Don’t Bet on Women,” in which she is co-featured with Edmund Lowe, Una Merkel, and Roland Young. milady’s modern movie modes • BELOW we see beautiful Jeanette MacDonald in a full length evening wrap of gold and silver, brocaded in a poppy design on a black background. Fox fur in luxurious bandings is used on the flowing sleeves. The black lace dress complements the wrap and adds to Jeanette’s blonde beauty. j$|j * s una unique pajamas • LOVELY Una Merkel wears a practical suit of satin house pajamas that exactly match the shade of Una’s blue, blue eyes. The bell bottoms, being as practical as the rest of the ensemble are not so full as to be swishing about in the way and yet are full enough to allow modest comfort for the wearer. The belt of self material fits tightly around the natural waistline, while the long pointed collar adds a flattering touch.