Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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Screen Opinions The Unbiased Reviewing Service With Specially Written Program Copy Publication Date 1st and 15th of Each Month The only service of its kind in the world — putting every unit of the industry on record, semi-monthly, according to merit SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $15.00 Foreign: One Year, $20.00 (with Exchange) Entered as Second-Class Matter June 3, 1919, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879 GENERAL OFFICE — Chicago, 111. Published Weekly by STAFF: JAMES T. IGOE COMPANY B. E. Callahan Managing Editor 117 West Harrison Street Margaret I. MacDonald Associate Editor Chicago, 111., U. S. A. “P. J.” Garvey Business Manager New York Office: 1440 BROADWAY— Room 20 Telephone Bryant 5336 MARGARET I. MacDONALD Resident Manager Vol. 11 aiiiinitttittxtnttiu JANUARY 1 to 15, 1923 No. 11 INDEX Class Play Producer -“Alias Julius Caesar” First National -“Altar Stairs” Universal -“Anna Ascends” Famous Players -“Are the Children to Blame?”. . .State Rights -“Bells of San Juan” Fox -“Boss of Camp 4” Fox -“Brothers Under the Skin” Goldwyn -“Bulldog Drummond” W. W. Hodkinson -“Challenge” American Releasing Corp. -“Cowboy and the Lady” Famous Players -“Driven” Not Yet Determined -“Ebb Tide” Famous Players -“Her Half Brother” State Rights -“Jilt” Universal -“Love in the Dark” Metro -“Man and the Moment” Pathe -“Minnie” First National -“Mixed Faces” Fox -“Pride of Palomar” Famous Players -“Proof of Innocence” American Releasing Corp. -“Ridin’ Wild” Universal -“Singed Wings” Famous Players -“Supersex” American Releasing Corp. -“Thelma” F. B. O -“Toll of the Sea” Metro -“When the Desert Calls” American Releasing Corp. -“While Justice Waits” Fox -“White Shoulders” First National -“Without Compromise” Fox -“World’s a Stage” First National -“You Never Know” Vitagraph Page 152 150 146 160 142 157 141 148 147 140 139 144 156 159 144 147 137 158 143 150 158 155 153 145 154 152 138 149 151 141 156 No Advertising Support Accepted!