Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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144 SCREEN OPINIONS WEEKLY SERVICE “EBB TIDE” — Class A (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Drifters on Southern Seas — Romance of One of Them VALUE CAST Photography — Very good — Bert Glennon. Ruth Attwater Lila Lee TYPE OF PICTURE — Fascinating. Robert Herrick Jame9 Kirkwood Moral Standard — Average. J. L. Huish Raymond Hatton ■ i .... i i . ■ Captain Davis George Fawcett Story — Excellent — Drama — Family Richard Attwater Noah Beery Cast — Very Good — All-Star. Tehura Jacqueline Logan Authors — Excellent — Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osborne. Direction — Very Good — George Melford. Adaptation — Very Good — Waldemar Young. Technique — Very Good. ■ ■ ■ Spiritual Influence — Neutral. January 1 to IS, 1923. Producer — Paramount Footage — 7,336 ft. Distributor — Famous Players Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — Vengeance Is Apt to React Disastrously. Tale of South Seas Vividly Portrayed — With Excellent Cast “Ebb Tide” is head and shoulders over the ordinary South Sea story, as would be expected coming from the pen of Robert Louis Stevenson. It abounds in types and characters that stand for something, from the strange group of drifters on shore. Huish, from the Whitechapel district, Herrick, an Englishman with a past, and Captain Davis, a disgraced sea captain, to the people of the pearl fisheries and their tyrannical boss Robert Attwater. The weird tale is realistically presented in the film where the atmosphere rings true to form even to the storm at sea, followed by the awakening of the strange crew of the “Ferralone” to find themselves sailing in sunlit waters approaching a tropical isle. The picture teems with the spirit of adventure, and there is a romance that trembles in the balance between life and death. There is also the spectacle of the burning ship, where the tyrannical Attwater perishes just as he has reached a realization of his wickedness. The cast throughout is excellent. Raymond Hatton and George Fawcett have charge of the humorous angle. The production is skillfully directed and is an excellent feature for high class audiences, and in fact, should be enjoyed in any theatre. STORY OF THE PLAY When Captain David, who lost his ship through drunkenness, is hired to take to sea the schooner Ferralone, in the hope that she will be destroyed, sails out of Tahiti with Herrick and Huish, his companions in ill fortune, he rides through storm to a tropical island where Robert Attwater, who killed his wife and a man he believed to be her lover, and thereafter vowed death to all white men coming to the island, is engaged in pearl fishing. On seeing the men Attwater hides his pretty daughter, who steals out and meets Herrick, the first white mao other than her father that she has ever seen. In the incidents that follow Attwater plans to kill Herrick, and Huish, with a bottle of deadly explosive, and is himself blown to atoms. Later when Herrick and the girl escape to the ship, Attwater follows and when the ship takes fire he perishes, while the others escape to a new fife of happiness. PROGRAM COPY— “Ebb Tide”— With an All-Star Cast Adventurous and romantic is the tale told in “Ebb Tide,” from the pen of the famous author, Robert Louis Stevenson. Tropical atmosphere, terrific sea storms, strange men and intrigue mingle in its thrilling features. The picture is played by a wonderful cast. “LOVE IN THE DARK”— Class C (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Romance of Orphan Who Proved Mascot to Benefactor and Lover VALUE Photography — Good — John Arnold. TYPE OF PICTURE— Ordinary. Moral Standard — Fair. Mary Duffy.... Tim O’Brien... Mrs. O’Brien... “Red” O’Brien. Dr. Horton.... Mrs. Horton. . . Robert Horton. Jimmy Watson. CAST Story — Average — Comedy-Drama — Adult3. Star — Average — Viola Dana Author — Average — John Morosco. Direction — Average — Harry Beaumont. Adaptation — Average — J. G. Hawks. Technique — Average. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer— Metro Footage . . Edward Connelly January 1 to IS, 1923. —5,500 ft. Distributor — Metro (Continued on next page) No Advertising Support Accepted!