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(Adapted from story of same name)
Story: — Romance of Kentucky Girl in SpanishAmerica
Photography — Very good — Alfred Gilk. Natalie Chester Gloria Swanson
TYPE OF PICTURE — Lavish — Interesting. Manuel La Tassa Antonio Moreno
Moral Standard — Average. Don Fernando De Contas Josef Swickard
— i .... . — .i Carlos De Grossa Eric Mayne
Story — Very good— Drama — Adults. Pedro De Grossa Geno Corrado
Star — Very good — Gloria Swanson. Donna Isabelle La Tassa. .. Edythe Chapman
Author — Very good — Hector Turnbull. Hortensia De Vareia Eileen Pringle
Direction — Very good — San Wood. Gomez Walter Long
Adaptation — Very good — Monte Katterjohn. Horace Beresford F. R. Butler
Technique — Very good. ■
Spiritual Influence — Neutral. February 1 to IS, 1923.
Producer — Paramount Footage — 6,061 ft. Distributor — Famous Players
Our Opinion
Production With Spanish Atmosphere Has Box Office Specialties
Staged with elegance and dramatic insight, “My American Wife” provides good entertainment. Its settings, the alluring atmosphere of Spanish-America, the dueling which recalls the romance and gallantry of the middle ages, beautifully gowned women and conservative customs of Spanish family life, are all important factors in the picture’s makeup. Antonio Moreno is especially attractive, and indeed picturesque in the role of Manuel La Tassa. He expresses intelligently both the fire and the romantic tenderness that are a part of the Latin nature. Gloria Swanson, as the daughter of a rich Kentucky horse breeder, is well dressed, and does what is required of her; but the role of Natalie Chester is not the type to which she is physically best suited. One of the big scenes of the picture is an elaborately staged reception, at which one of the heroine’s horses, decorated with floral embellishment, is led into the reception hall. Another is the scene of the duel between Manuel La Tassa and Pedro De Grossa, where Gomez, a peon, is hired to shoot from ambush to cover De Grossa’s incapability. The larger theatres and neighborhood houses will find this an excellent program feature. Bill it as an elaborately staged attraction.
Natalie Chester, daughter of a rich Kentucky race track man, on a trip to SpanishAmerica, is courted by Manuel La Tassa in spite of objections from his family. In defense of Natalie’s good name Manuel fights a duel with Pedro De Grossa, and is shot from ambush by a hired peon, and wounded. Natalie, learning too late that the duel is to take place, hurries to the spot and accompanies Manuel to his country place, where she remains to care for him until his recovery. Later his parents arrive with the girl his mother has chosen for his wife, and Natalie, insulted by them, goes away. Later, after aiding in the arrest of the man who shot Manuel, her worthiness overcomes the pride of the La Tassas, who consent to the union of their son with the daughter of a race track king.
PROGRAM COPY — “My American Wife” — Featuring Gloria Swanson
Don’t miss this lavishly staged story of the daughter of a king of the race tracks. Gloria Swanson plays the peppy heroine who overcomes Spanish-American conservatism and wins a handsome husband.
(Especially prepared for screen)
Story: — Forced to Work Through Vacation for Wife’s Relatives
Photography — Very good — Jay Turner. Friend Husband Lupino Lane
TYPE OF PICTURE— Humorous. Tootsie, Friend Wife Alberta Vaughn
Moral Standard — Average. Mother-in-law Eva Thatcher
Story — Very good — Acrobatic-comedy.
Star — Very good — Lupino Lane.
Author — Very good — Not credited.
Direction — Very good — Jack Blystone.
Adaptation — Very good — Not credited.
Technique — Very good. ■ . ■— .
Spiritual Influence — Neutral. February I to 15, 1923.
Producer — Fox Footage — 4,527 ft. Distributor — Fox
(Continued on next page)
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