Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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“BOOK THE NEW PERCENTAGE WAY” 21 fidence that she consented to accompany him to the South Sea islands in search of the recalcitrant husband. Once there, she discovered her mistake, and obliged to live with the stranger, who sought to marry her daughter to a rascally tribesman, she lost hope and finally, in an encounter on behalf of her daughter, she was slain by the stranger. In search of a doll to replace his little daughter’s broken one. Captain Blackbird visits the island, and in a series of adventures finally comes face to face with the villain, who tells him that his wife and daughter are both dead. Later developments bring about the punishment of the villain and the rescue of the daughter from an unhappy fate. PROGRAM COPY— “Lost and Found”— With an All-Star Cast Captain Blackbird had the satisfaction of whipping the scoundrel that drained his life almost to the last atom of happiness. Come and see the result of a wife’s folly in trusting a stranger. An excellent cast is headed by House Peters, Pauline Starke and Antonio Moreno. It’s an R. A. Walsh production. “MIGHTY LAK’ A ROSE”— [Class A-c] 90% (Especially prepared for screen) Story: — Blind Girl Violinist Regenerates Crooks VALUE CAST Photography — Excellent — Sol Polito. Jimmie Harrison James Rennie TYPE OF PICTURE— Sentimental. Rose Duncan Dorothy Mackail Moral Standard — Good. Jerome Trevor Sam Hardy 1 Bull Morgan Anders Randolf Story — Very good — Melodrama — Family. “Hard Boiled” Mollie Malone. Helen Montrose Cast — Excellent — All-Star, featuring James ‘‘Slippery Eddie” Foster Harry Short Rennie and Dorothy Mackail. Humpty Logan Paul Panzer Author — Very good — Curtis Benton. Mrs. Trevor Dora Mills Adams Direction — Excellent — Edwin Carewe. Jean, the dog Herself Adaptation — Excellent — Curtis Benton. Technique — Very good. Spiritual Influence — Excellent. April 15 to 30, 1923. Producer — Edwin Carewe Footage — 8,260 ft. Distributor — First National Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — The Straight Road Leads to Happiness. Production Has Tears and Types Aplenty — Looks Like Big Receipts If Properly Handled “Mighty Lak’ a Rose” is a difficult production to classify, because while there is no question of its box office values, it is not the kind that will bear close analysis. Its story is ordinary “sympathy” stuff, in which the moral angle has been worked to a point of real interest. The overpowering of criminal instincts through the medium of music and the influence of the wholesome personality of a blind girl on a group of crooks helps to supply the reason why “Mighty Lak’ a Rose” is rated by us beyond its deserts in genuine artistic values. The picture is a bit too long. It seems unnecessary, for instance, after the blind girl is made to see that the old standby of concert hall and stage scenes should be rung in before arriving at a proper climax. But then, the picture is brim full of good things — situations and business that the public likes. It is rich in human interest, and tears aplenty will be shed wherever it is shown. James Rennie gives an intelligent and keenly sympathetic portrayal of Jimmie Harrison, a crook with a kind heart — a victim of environment. Dorothy Mackail is all that could be desired in the role of the blind girl, and Anders Randolf is excellent as Bull Morgan, one of the last to yield to the ennobling influence of the blind Rose. Harry Short, as Slippery Eddie, is the “life of the party” and pulls a laugh with every action. The dog, Jean, is one of the beloved features of the picture — she is a fine canine. “Mighty Lak’ a Rose” is suitable for any theatre, and can be used as a special in neighborhood houses. Bill it on the strength of the popularity of the song, the regeneration of crooks through the influence of melody, its strong melodramatic features and its excellent cast. James Rennie’s recent Broadway success should help to boom the picture. STORY OF THE PLAY Rose Duncan, a blind violinist, comes to New York alone to meet her uncle. On his way to the station the uncle is killed by an automobile, but Bull Morgan, who has just stepped from a telephone booth resplendent in another man’s silk hat and with a stolen wallet in his pocket, takes the uncle’s place, and in this way cheats the cops. Rose, thrown by circumstances into a den of thieves, finds a friend in Jimmy Harrison, a thief through environment. Jimmy’s decision to go straight angers the others, but one by one they yield to the girl’s wholesome personality and appealing music, and all goes well until Jimmy attempts one last theft to secure a (Continued on next page) No Advertising Support Accepted!