Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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132 SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH that necessitates a home in the wealthy section, he becomes arrogant, slfish and fond of display, and the result is, that caught in the net of coquettish, Gloria Gayne, a woman he meets at ft cabaret, he peevishly suggests divorce to Jane. But Jane, realizing that her husband is suffering from an over-dose of success asks her father, who is one of the directors of the concern for which Jim is manager, to have him discharged, confident that the cure, though painful, is sure. The inevitable happens Gloria turns him down, and he finally seeks consolation with his wife, a wiser and happier man. PROGRAM COPY — “Divorce” — Featuring Jane Novak Here is a picture that you ought to see. If you have marital troubles it will show you how to straighten them out and if you haven’t you may gain a lot of respect for yourself. Pretty Jane Novak is the star, supported by John Bowers and a fine cast. “SELF MADE WIFE”— [Class A] 80% ' (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Experience of Wife of Newly Rich Husband Learning Ropes of New Environment VALUE CAST Photography — Very good — William Fildew. Corrie Godwin Ethel Grey Terry TYPE OF PICTURE — Sensational. Tim Godwin ...Crauford Kent Moral Standard — Fair. Dodo Sears Virginia Ainsworth 11 — ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■— -■ J. D. Sears Phillips Smalley Story — Very good Drama — Adults. Elena Vincent Dorothy Cummings Cast — Very good — All-Star. Tim Godwin Jr Maurice Murphy Author — Very good — Elizabeth Alexander. Jimmy Godwin Turner Savage Direction — Very good — Albert Kenyon. The Baby Honora Beatrice Adaptation — Very good — Albert Kenyon. Hotchkiss Tom McGuire Technique — Very good. Mrs. Satler Laura LaVarnie Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Bob Mathew Betz Allerdyce Frank R. Butler August 1 to 15, 1923. Producer — Universal Footage — 4,960 ft. Distributor — Universal Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — Wife’s Appearance Factor of Holding Husband’s Interest. Lavishly Staged Production Has Pep of Box Office Attraction “The Self-Made Wife” is a fascinating picture because it is well made. There are scenes with the fast set that are interesting as such, representing the frivolous whirl in which people of that order live. These scenes are touched here and there with comedy, and in the midst of the merry making the wife, who tries to learn something of the life that appears to her husband, by dressing the part, and drinking as the others do, decides that she is not interested in living that way. This decision gives the story a moral balance that it would not have otherwise, and brings the wife home to a husband who, for the first time, realizes his wife’s claim to beauty when he sees her arrayed in gorgeous attire. The subtitles aid the picture in being a bit risque, and from first to last the director’s idea has been to put the pep into his production. The cast is a well chosen one, Ethel Grey Terry and Crauford Kent in the lead. Virginia Ainsworth does excellently as Dodo Sears, under whose influence Corrie dons the latest and skimpiest of gowns and breaks into the silly whirl. Dorothy Cummings is charming as Elena Vincent, and Phillips Smalley and others of the cast do a splendid best in keeping the spirit of fun moving. This is a good feature for the transient house and some neighborhood houses. It is not the kind to exhibit before children. STORY OF THE PLAY Tim Godwin, a college graduate, gambles heavily in oil, struggles through a period of poverty with his wife, Corrie, always patient and helpful, and then overnight becomes a millionaire through the discovery of a gusher. In the new life Corrie continues to keep the even pace of her poverty days devoting herself to her children. But not so with Tim, who believes in living up to your purse, and so the matrimonial bark begins to wabble. Tim engages Elena Vincent as cocial secretary for his wife in the hope of making Corrie over into a modern type, but to no avail. But when Tim falls in love with Miss Vincent and far-seeing Dodo Sears determines to show Tim a thing or two regarding his beautiful wife, Corrie, under guidance, enters the smart set, towering head and shoulders over other women with her beauty and becoming gowns. Disgusted with the life led by her new acquaintances, she returns home to a husband who is fascinated at the first glimpse of the made over Corrie. PROGRAM COPY— “The Self-Made Wife”— With an All-Star Cast Should a wife dress to suit her husband’s walk in life? This is the question asked in the sensational production, “The Self-Made Wife.” played by Ethel Grey Terry, Crauford Kent, Dorothy Cummings, Virginia Ainsworth, Phillips Smalley and other well-known screen artists. No Advertising Support Accepted!