Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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134 SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH are delightful as the three old bachelors. The settings of the picture are artistic, and those in the home of the bachelors are particularly attractive. This feature is sure to give satisfaction. STORY OF THE PLAY Three old bachelors, who in their youth loved the same girl, receive a message written by the woman years afterward, on her deathbed asking them to care for her child Sydney. Believing that the child is a boy of tender years, they are agreeably surprised when a beautiful .young girl arrives on the scene. The girl, Sydney Fairchild, transforms the home of the bachelors into a place of love and laughter ; but when suddenly she appears to be implicated with a pair of crooks happiness is replaced by consternation and sorrow, and it is not until the situation is cleared up in the discovery that the escaped prisoner, determined to get Judge Trumbull, one of Sydney’s guardians, is her father sentenced to prison by Trumbull years before and by the confession of another to the crime supposed to be committed by the escaped prisoner. PROGRAM COPY— “Three Wise Fools”— With an All-Star Cast Can you imagine how three old bachelors would feel on being requested to mother a child? !Don’t miss "Three Wise Fools.” One of the season's best comedy-melodramas, playea by an A-l cast. “VICTOR” — [Class A] 80$ (Adapted from “Two Bells for Pegasus”) Story: — Adventures of Son of English Lord in Prize Ring VALUE CAST Photography — Very good — Clyde de Vinna. Hon. Cecil Fitzhugh Waring TYPE OF PICTURE— Humorous — Herbert Rawlinson Adventurous. Teddy Walters Dorothy Manners Moral Standard — Average. Lord Waring Frank Currier ■ — J. P. Jones Otis Harlan Story — Very good — Comedy-drama — Family. Chiquita Jones Esther Rawlston Star — Very good — Herbert Rawlinson. Porky Schaup Eddie Gribbon Author — Very good — Gerald Beaumont. Jacky Williams Tom McGuire Direction — Very good — Edward Laemmle. ■ ■ Adaptation — Very good — E. Richard Schayer. August 15 to 31, 1923. Technique — Very good. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer — Universal Footage — 4880 ft. Distributor — Universal Oar Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE— None Spicy Presentation Has Good Comedy Bits — Fight Scenes Average The hero of “The Victor” is an amusing English type which is played by Herbert Rawlinson in a fascinating devil-may-care fashion. A good situation is established by the author in which Cecil Waring, son of an English lord, finds himself in New York penniless, and after making the acquaintance of a pretty girl breakfasting on doughnuts on a park bench, is recognized by a man who knew his father and is handed the finest suite of rooms in one of the big hotels. The way in which Cecil gets into the prize ring and finally becomes the savior of the family exchequer affords some good comedy. The picture is carefully edited and illuminated by effective subtitles. You can’t make a mistake on this one — your patrons are sure to like the humorous adventurous spirit of the play. Dorothy Manners is attractive in the feminine lead, and Frank Currier and Qtis Harlan help out the comedy considerably. The fight scenes are not as technically correct as some we have seen, but are amusing and quite thrilling withal. STORY OF THE PLAY When Hon. Cecil Fitzhugh Waring came to America to seek a job and incidentally to escape a matrimonial alliance not to his liking, he had no idea that work was so hard to find, and it wasn’t surprising that Teddy Walters, pretty actress out of luck stared in surprise when the well-dressed Englishman lifted a doughnut from the gravel walk, brushed it with his kerchief and devoured it hungrily. Later Cecil meets good fortune when a hotel clerk discovers that he is the son of Lord Waring, and he is soon in possession of the best suite in the place. Before he is totally disgraced his father arrives from England^ and Cecil, who has been picked by a fight manager as a likely competitor for a certain middleweight, accepts the offer to get money to release his father from indebtedness. His success wins his father’s admiration to the extent that he withdraws his objections to his son’s marriage to an actress. PROGRAM COPY— “The Victor”— Featuring Herbert Rawlinson If you have a drop of sporting blood in your veins you will like the latest Herbert R.awlinson feature, "The Victor,” in which a young English aristrocrat is forced into the prize ring to save the family exchequer. No Advertising Support Accepted!