Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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“BOOK THE NEW PERCENTAGE WAY” 5 “BROADWAY GOLD”— [Class B] 65% (Adapted from a story of the same name) Story: — Experience of Chorus Girl Who Married Supposedly Dying Millionaire VALUE CAST Photography — Good — J. R. Diamond. Sunny Duane Elaine Hammerstein TYPE OF PICTURE— Interesting. Jean Valjean Kathlyn Williams Moral Standard — Average. Eugene Durant Elliott Dexter Elinor Calhoun Eloise Goodale Story — Good — Drama — Adults. Cornelius Fellowes Richard Wayne Star — Good — Elaine Hammerstein. Page Poole Harold Goodwin Author — Good — W. Carey Wonderly. Jerome Rogers Henry Barrows Direction — Good — Edward Dillon and J. Gor The Driver Marshal Neilan don Cooper. Adaptation — Good— Kathlyn Harris. September 1 to 15, 1923. T echnique — Good. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer — Edward Dillon Footage — 6,800 ft. Distributor — Truart Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE— None Story Has Originality, Settings Elaborate, But Action Moves Slowly in Spots “Broadway Gold” is based on an interesting story, and is played by a good cast, with Kathlyn Williams giving the most finished performance of the group. The role she plays, that of a sponging actress, half designing in conception. She plays it well. The star, Elaine Hammerstein, is not at her best in a slightly passive role — an unsophisticated chorus girl — it is not the sort of thing that she does the best. But in spite of this and in spite of the fact that in spots the action moves slowly, “Broadway Gold” is apt to give satisfaction. It has an excellent selling title as will be noted at a glance, attractive and fairly elaborate settings, and as before said, an interesting story. The situation is interesting in which a newcomer to the chorus finds herself at the bedside of a millionaire supposed to be dying, trying to answer satisfactorily to all parties an appeal to her to marry him so that his wealth will not go to a certain unworthy relative. A complication caused by the murder of a man in whose rooms she happens to be at the time adds to the interest. Elliott Dexter, Richard Wayne and Harold Goodwin are prominent members of the cast. STORY OF THE PLAY Sunny Duane, a newcomer to the chorus, is befriended by Jean Valjean, a woman who believes that grafting gold from men is no sin. Following a party attended by Eugene Durant, a millionaire, and Cornelius Fellowes, a friend of Jean’s, Durant is taken suddenly ill and Fellowes is murdered in his apartment, where he has gone on a message while taking Sunny home. Complications arise and in the midst of it all Durant asks Sunny to marry him,, believing himself dying, and fearing lest an unworthy relative fall heir to his money. The ceremony is performed and in the course of events Durant and Sunny find themselves in love, making the intended divorce unnecessary. Incidents in tracing the murder are also included. PROGRAM COPY — “Broadway Gold” — Featuring Elaine Hammerstein Sunny Duane’s visit to Broadway brought love and a millionaire to her feet. Elaine Hammerstein, Kathlyn Williams, Elliott Dexter and a notable cast play the picture. “MIRACLE BABY”— [Class C] 50% (Adapted from a story of the same name) Story: — Adventures of Man Tricked Into Assaying Wrong Samples from Mine VALUE Photography — Average — William Thornley. TYPE OF PICTURE— Ordinary. Moral Standard — Average. Story — Average — Melodrama— Family. Star — Average — Harry Carey. Author — Average — Frank Pierce. Direction — Average — Val Paul. Adaptation — Average — Isadore Bernstein. Technique — Average. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer — P. A. Powers Footage CAST Neil Allison Harry Carey Judy Stanton Margaret Landis “Hopeful” Mason Charles J. L. Mayne Hal Norton Edward Hearn Violet Hedda Nova Jim Starke Edmund Cobt Dr. Amos Stanton Alfred Allen Sam Brodford Bert Sprotte September 1 to 15, 1923. —5,000 ft. Distributor — F. B. O. (Continued on next page) No Advertising Support Accepted!