Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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20 SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH “DRIVIN’ FOOL”— [Class B] 65% (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Automobile Fiend Proves His Worth in Cross-Country Ride for Business Firm VALUE CAST Photography — Good — A. J. Stout and Hal Locke Wally Van Steve Rounds. Sylvia Moorehead Patsy Ruth Miller TYPE OF PICTURE — Humorous — Exciting. John Moorehead Alec B. Francis Moral Standard — Average. Henry Locke Wilton Taylor — Richard Brownlee Ramsey Wallace Story — Good — Comedy — Family. Howard Grayson Wilfrid North Star — Good — Wally Van. Horatio Jackson Lee St. Alpans Author — Good — W. F. Sturm. Jesse J. Aldriche Direction — Good — Robert J. Thornby. John Lawson Kenneth R. Bush Adaptation — Good — H. H. Van Loan. Technique — Good. September 15 to 30, 1923. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer — Regent Pictures Corp. Footage — 6,000 ft. Distributor — W. W. Hodkinson Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — Even a Fad Sometimes Has Merits. Peppy Story Capably Presented — Wally Van Makes Good in Return to Screen With the exception of the fact that the production needs trimming, “The Drivin’ Fool” is an excellent program feature for the average house. Wally Van’s return to the screen proves successful — so we would judge — for his performance as the youth whose only asset is his ability for speeding is highly creditable. The story has a trivial plot, but then it is built for comedy, and with the well staged cross country race with the villains of the story hard on the trail of the winner, we predict that the production will give more than the average amount of satisfaction. The feminine lead, played by Patsy Ruth Miller, does not afford many opportunities, but Miss Miller is always attractive and is quite up to form in this instance. One of the comedy elements of the picture has its source in the role of a colored man played by Jesse J. Aldriche. This character’s sudden attachment for the hero and his amusingly adhesive qualities will bring plenty of laughs. The subtitling of this picture adds considerable to the comedy effect. STORY OF THE PLAY Hal Locke was a disappointment to his father and his business associates, because he appeared to be good for nothing but driving automobiles at top speed. Hal wanted to marry pretty Sylvia Moorehead, but under the circumstances her father could not see things that way. His opportunity to make good came at an unexpected moment when, because of a railway strike it was impossible for a certain check to be delivered in New York, to save the firm from a ruinous situation. With his racer Hal takes on the job. The road between San Francisco is kept hot by a race between Hal’s car and the pursuing villains, who seek to prevent the payment of the money and the reclaiming of the contract. PROGRAM COPY— “The Drivin’ Fool”— Featuring Wally Van Here is one of the peppy racing pictures that make you grip your seat. It’s a hair raiser, and a picture not to be missed. Plenty of comedy and a pretty romance are additional features. The picture is played by Wally Van and good cast. “DESTROYING ANGEL”— [Class C] 50% (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Adventures of a Wife and a Husband Who Separate and Are ^ Reunited Years Later VALUE Photography — Excellent — Not credited. TYPE OF PICTURE— Interesting. Moral Standard — Average. Story — Average — Comedy-melodrama — Adults. Star — Average — Leah Baird. Author — Average — Louis Joseph Vance. Direction — Average — Not credited. Adaptation — Average — Not credited. Technique — Average. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer — Arthur F. Beck CAST Mary Miller ) Leah Baird Sara Law j Max Wiek Ford Sterling Hugh Miller John Bowers Curtis Drummond .Noah Beery "Strangler” Olesen Mitchell Lewis Lotta Figure Clarice Joel Ethel Trimmer Glad Surface Mrs. Gerald Vanslack Clara Norman September 15 to 30, 1923. Footage — 5,800 ft. Distributor — Pathe (Continued on Next Page) No Advertising Support Accepted!