Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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“BOOK THE NEW PERCENTAGE WAY” 27 Screen Opinions rests on a Solid Foundation A word to the wise is sufficient In no other industry in the world is it possible to influence so vast an audience as through motion pictures. Here, where ideals and anchoring hopes of humanity may be burst asunder, by the glance of an eye — or the hopes and aspirations of a race bound together to the end of time. Let us build and weld for the future — not scatter and disorganize — as in the past. Let us make the motion picture a worthy guardian of the beliefs, morals and ideals of humanity. Human Fundamentals and Motion Pictures The following are the five underlying principles of humanity, that every Producer, Distributor and Exhibitor, and every unit of the Motion Picture Industry, must take into consideration if they are going to prove to the people, the public-at-large, that they are sincere in their endeavor to produce, distribute and exhibit pictures that will leave an impress of their “Spiritual Influence” as well as being made according to acknowledged “Moral Standards” of human conduct. To exhibit only pictures that will show the goodness and pentup longings and aspirations of the human heart, that longs to be free, upright and happy. To shut out the inclination to show the depravities of human life, when left to itself, without education, love and kindly influences. Screen Opinion is Anchored on the Solid Foundation of “Truth” 1 — PEOPLE (From whatever source) .Rulers of the Earth The Woman (Custodian of Humanity) . Our Mothers The Home (Bulwark of the Nation) . . Custodian of Morals The Family (Cradle of Morality) Children of Woman 2 — RELIGION (Solace of Mortals) Eternal Happiness Morality (Our Guiding Star) Good from Evil Clergy (Counselors of Men) Heaven’s Appointed Women’s Clubs (Defenders of the Weak) . .Public Guardians 3 — EDUCATION (Dispelling Ignorance) . . . Enlightening the People Teachers (Builders of a Race) Inspiration of Youth Training (Self supporting) Independence Refinement (Acquired manners) Social Courtesies 4 — AMUSEMENT (Emotional Sentiments) .. Pleasures of the Mind Photoplay (Depicting Life Cleanly) .Pictured Stories Music (Foretaste of Heaven) ... .Magic Wand _ Arts (Mixing the beautiful) ... .Realization of Dreams 5 — CONTENTMENT (Kingdom make-believe).. Ultimate on Earth The above principles may be misappropriated, but they cannot be thwarted, as nature always upholds her own standards. He who attempts to frustrate nature’s laws is vanquished before he begins. Humanity is supreme! — with its homes, its families, and its morals. Observance of Above Fundamentals Guarantee: For THE PRODUCER— Artistic achievement and financial recompense; For THE DISTRIBUTOR — Commensurate return for his efforts; For THE EXHIBITOR — A master’s reputation and financial success; For THE INDUSTRY — Freedom, progress and respectability; For THE PEOPLE — Confidence, entertainment and happiness. No Advertising Support Accepted!