Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH 65 production has not magnetism sufficient to fix it long in the memory. Claire Windsor plays the role of the misguided wife well, and is gowned becomingly. Hobart Bosworth plays the role of the husband as well as could be expected, inasmuch as the character has not been sufficiently rounded out. If fewer characters had been used in presenting the vital issue of the story, the moral structure of the play would be more securely reinforced. To be sure, the forgiving spirit of Tommy Tucker, who takes Hilda Gray to his heart again despite her error with another man, is commendable, but the story would have lived without either Hilda or Tommy. The plot construction is what might be termed loose, and while there are many audiences to which “The Eternal Three” will be entertaining, we cannot recommend it as a sure fire feature. 0 STORY OF THE PLAY Dr. Walters becomes so absorbed in professional duties that he fails to give his wife the attention young women are apt to demand, and so it is an easy matter for Leonard Foster, the doctor's adopted son, to worm his way into Mrs. Walters’ heart to the extent of creating a breach between husband and wife. On the day on which they have planned to elope Leonard meets with an automobile accident, and Dr. Walters saves his life by an operation. An understanding of what Leonard really is comes to Mrs. Walters when she learns of the shame of Hilda Gray, a stenographer with whom Leonard has been familiar. The close of the story shows Dr. Walters and his wife reunited, and Leonard being sent away from home in disgrace. Hilda’s sweetheart takes her back in spite of her error. PROGRAM COPY— “The Eternal Three”— With an All-Star Cast Dr. Walters made a fatal mistake when he put aside his wife for his profession. The thrilling production, “The Eternal Three,’’ tells a story of misunderstanding ana mistaken duty. Lovely Claire Windsor, Hobart Bosworth, Tom Gallery and Ramond Griffith have prominent roles. “FIGHTING BLADE”— [Class A-b] 95 % (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Romance and Adventures of Flemish Soldier of Fortune in Conflict Between English Royalists and Puritans VALUE CAST Photography — Superior — George Falsey. Karl Van Kerstenbroock. . Richard Barthelmess TYPE OF PICTURE — Adventurous — Thomsine Musgrove Dorothy Mackaill Romantic. Earl Staversham Lee Baker Moral Standard — Average. Watt Musgrove Bradley Barker ■ ; Viscount Carisford Stuart Sage Story — Superior — Drama — Family. Bon Ayskew Walter Horton Star — Superior — Richard Barthelmess. Charlotte Musgrove Allyn King Author — Superior — Beulah Marie Dix. Lord Robert Erisey Morgan Wallace Direction — Superior — John Robertson. Cromwell Frederick Burton Adaptation — Superior — Josephine Levatt. Lord Trevor Philip Tead Technique — Superior. Joan Laycock Marcia Harris Spiritual Influence — Good. November 1 to 15, 1923. Producer — Inspiration Pictures, Inc. Footage — 8,700 ft. Distributor — First National Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE— None. Forceful Production Wins by Reason of Plot and Direction If we said that Richard Barthelmess is not suited to the role of Karl Van Kerstenbroock in “The Fighting Blade” it would be merely the voicing of a personal opinion. To the writer it seemed that while Mr. Barthelmess is admirably adapted to the romantic requirements of the story, he is not the robust type one would expect in a duelling soldier of fortune. However this may be we are at the same time satisfied that Richard Barthelmess fans will be uncommonly well pleased with the popular star’s latest and very excellent effort to entertain them. The picture is thoroughly imbued with the atmosphere and spirit of the period of Oliver Cromwell, it is beautifully and appropriately set, the photography being of an unusually fine quality, especially noticeable in the many lovely outdoor scenes. Leading up to the extremely tragic moments of the story where the hero is subjected to terrible torture, which by the way, is presented with vigorous realism, dashes of comedy are interjected as a relief to the sternness of the theme. For instance, the rough handling given by Kerstenbroock to the supposed younger brother of the man he seeks to kill to (Continued on Next Page) Unbiased and Independent Reviews Only!