Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH 67 dall’s son for murder, by removing the gun from the hand of a man killed by Cameo in a duel, all of which have been handled in the best style. The cast plays excellently, and a glance over the names not only recalls to the writer the fine individual efforts but makes it difficult to single out for special praise. Gertrude Olmsted is charming as the heroine, and Alan Hale makes a good heavy. The average exhibitor should have good satisfaction with "Cameo Kirby.” STORY OF THE PLAY Eugene Kirby, the black sheep of an old southern family, is nicknamed "Cameo” because of his liking for these stones, one of which saved his life by deflecting a knife blade from his heart. A turning point in his life occurs when Col. Randall, fleeced of his money and his plantation in a card gamble on a Mississippi river boat, commits suicide a moment afterward, preventing Cameo from returning the winnings as intended. Later he meets the Colonel's daughter ana a romance is born. The incidents following which not only reveal to the girl that the man she loves is the famous Cameo Kirby who is blamed for her father’s death, but place him under arrest for a murder in dueling, whereby he was said to shoot and kill a man who was unarmed. The removal of the gun from the dead man’s hand by Tom Randall, whose hatred for Cameo grasped the opportunity of a duel without witness to frame the gambler, is later discovered, ana Cameo Kirby, revealing the true story of Col. Randall’s death, is reinstalled in the affections of Adele Randall. PROGRAM COPY — “Cameo Kirby” — Featuring John Gilbert The old days of gambling on the Mississippi river boats with a handsome hero and adventures that will thrill you to the marrow are what you will find in the latest John Gilbert feature, "Cameo Kirby.” Don’t miss one of Booth Tarkington’s best. “SCARAMOUCHE”— [Class A-a] 100% (Adapted from novel of same name) Story: — Romance of Youth of French Revolutionary Period and Adventures in Cause of Liberty VALUE CAST Photography — Masterful — John F. Seitz. Andre Louis Moreau Ramon Novarro TYPE OF PICTURE — Historical. Aline de Kercadiou Alice Terry Moral Standard — Average. Marquis de La Tour d’Azyr Lewis Stone 8uintin de Kercadiou Lloyd Ingraham ountess Therese de Plougastel Stars — Masterful — Alice Terry, Lewis Stone Julia Swayne Gordon and Ramon Novarro. Chevalier de Chabrillane. .William Humphrey Author — Masterful — Rafael Sabatini. Phillipe de Vilmorin Otto Matieson Direction — Masterful — Rex Ingraham. Georges Jacques Danton George Siegmann Adaptation — Masterful — Willis Goldbeck. La Chapelier Bowaitch Turner Technique — Masterful. Challfau Binet James Marcus Spiritual Influence — Good. Climene Binet Edith Allen Madame Binet Lydia Yeamans Titus Polichinelle John George Rhodomont Nelson McDowell Maximilien Robespierre. .De Garcia Fuerburg Jean Paul Marat Roy Coulson Louis XVI Edwin Argue Marie Antoinette Clotilde Delano King’s Lieutenant Willard Lee Hall Napoleon Bonaparte.. A lieutenant of artillery Count Dupuye Lorimer Johnston Minister to the King Edward Connelly Viscount d’Albert Howard Gaye Monsieur Benoit J. Edwin Brown Madame Benoit Carrie Clark Ward Jacques Edward Coxen Gamekeeper William Dyer La Revolte Rose Dione Student of Rennes Arthur Jasmine „ . .. ~ . f Tom Kennedy Keepers of the Gate } Kala Pasha November 1 to 15, 1923. Producer — Metro Footage — 10,000 ft. Distributor — Metro * ’ 11. JL/ISIUUUIUI— menu Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — Tyranny Avenged by the Sword of Truth. Magnificently Staged Production Directed in Rex Ingraham's Best Style The period of the French revolution has been the basis of more than one excellent screen production, with each time a different character of prominence figuring in some one of the myriad romances of one of the bloodiest chapters of history. In the latest Rex Ingraham production “Scaramouche” it is a youth of illegitimate birth, zealous in the cause of the people against a tyrannical monarchy, and in love with one of France’s most beautiful aristrocrats, is the surmounting character. In the near background are also Robespierre, Danton, (Continued on next page) Unbiased and Independent Reviews Only!