Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH 117 Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — It Is a Crime to Surround Pet Animals With Luxury While Children Are Starving in the Streets Spirited Production — Good Apache Dancing — Humorous Situations and Excellent Cast Viola Dana scores a hit in “In Search of a Thrill,” which is considerably better than many of her recent features. She is surrounded by a good cast, and director Apfel, together with an expert technical staff, has succeeded in putting across an original sort of story, in a more or less original way. At any rate, “In Search of a Thrill” is sufficiently different from the average program picture to attract on its own account. The characters are interesting and well cast. Mabel Van Buren, as Aunt Lila, is quite amusing and does what is expected of her, grows hysterical over nothing, and dances clumsily enough to get a laugh. Templar Saxe fits the role of the English Lord as if the part had been made for him, and Robert Schable is excellent as Tommy Perkins, in love with Aunt Lila. One of the most amusing features of the picture is a pet monkey that cuddles familiarly on Miss Dana’s shoulder, and an Apache dance by Rosemary Theby and Walter Miller is well done and entertaining. Viola Dana also joins in the dance, at the close of which she knocks her partner flat on the floor for attempting to kiss her, arousing the jealousy of Rene, the real dancing partner, who flashes a wicked knife. The lesson taught by the young author and lover of Ann Clemance, when he takes her into the slums and shows her * some of the misery that her wealth might help to alleviate, is a good one. This will be found to be a satisfactory program picture by the majority of exhibitors. STORY OF THE PLAY Ann Clemance suddenly inherits wealth and along with it develops a thoughtless attitude toward life in general, cherishing a monkey without considering the good to which her money might be put in helping human beings who need it. A young author, Adrian Torrens, whom she has known for a long time, registers his disgust of her actions, and one evening when she is caught masquerading as an Apache in search of a thrill, he rescues her from the police and takes her through the slums, showing her something of the other side of life, and incidentally denouncing the type of woman to which she belongs. The lesson has its impression, and the story ends with Ann resolving to replace the monkey with needy children, while Adrian is content to be her happy husband. PROGRAM COPY — “In Search of a Thrill” — Featuring Viola Dana Ann Clemance loved her jewels, her pet monkey, and a lot of mad pleasure. It took a race with the police and a look at herself in the mirror of a young man’s mind to persuade her that life had a serious side, and that she was shirking responsibilities. Pretty Viola Dana is the star. “LOVE PIRATE”— [Class C] 50% (Especially prepared for screen) Story: — Ex-Convict Saves Daughter by Shooting Cafe Owner and Avenges Own Wrong VALUE Photography — Average — Jack Faqua. TYPE OF PICTURE— -Cheaply Sensational. Moral Standard — Fair. Story — Average — Melodrama — Adults. Cast — Good — All-Star. Author — Average — William Lester. Direction — Average — Richard Thomas. Adaptation — Average — William Lester. Technique — Average. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Producer — Not credited Footage CAST Steve Carnan Melbourne McDowell Ruby Le Mar Carmel Myers Tim Gordan ;. Charles Force Ruth Revere Kathryn McGuire Chief Deputy Hugh Waring. . .Clyde Fillmore Gregg Winslow John Tonkey Mrs. Carnan Carol Halloway Joe Harris Edward W. Borman Cyrus Revere Spottiswoode Aitken December IS to 31, 1923. -5,000 ft. Distributor — F. B. O. Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE— None Cheaply Sensational Development in Production Founded on Trivial Story We cannot imagine becoming enthusiastic over “The Love Pirate," which is a cheaply sensational picture in which the innocent girl visits the city to study music and is lured into the apartment of the keeper of a cafe, whol is (Continued on Next Page) Unbiased and Independent Reviews Only!