Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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174 "BOOK THE NEW PERCENTAGE WAY" live alone, realizes how unworthy he has been of the woman who gave her all for him during the years of struggle. The close of the story shows Daniel and Mary meeting months after the divorce has been granted, and deciding to get married all over again. PROGRAM COPY — “The Governor’s Lady” — Featuring Robert T. Haines and Jane Grey You’ll be interested in "The Governor’s Lady,” in which a wife’s incapacity to enter the social set breaks the domestic harmony. Robert T. Haines and Jane Grey are the featured members of the cast “RENO”— [Class B] 65% (Adapted from story of same name) Story: — Three Times Divorced Man Finds Himself Bigamist in Some States and Trigamist in Others VALUE CAST Photography — Very good — John Mescal. Mrs. Emily Dysart Tappan .. Helene Chadwick TYPE OP PICTURE — Humorous. Guy Tappan Lew Cody Moral Standard — Fair. Walter Heath George Walsh ■ Mrs. Dora Carson Tappan Carmel Myers Story — Good — Comedy-drama — Adults. Mrs. Kate Norton Tappan Hedda Hopoer Cast — Good — All-Star. Miss Alida Tappan Dale Fuller Author — Good — Rupert Hughes . Yvette Kathleen Key Direction — Good — Rupert Hughes. Jerry Dysart Rush Hughes AdaptationGood — Rupert Hughes. Marjory Towne Marjorie Bonner Technique — Good. Henry Nish William Orlamond Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Judge Norton Howard Truesdale Paul Tappan Robert de Vilbiss Ivy Tappan Virginia Loomis Arthur Clayton Richard Wayne Justice of the Peace Hughie Mack TTa! Carson Bovce Combe McRae, a detective Victor Potel Lemile Hake Percy Hemus Mattie Hake Maxine Elliott Hicks Tod Hake Billy Eugene Mrs. Tod Hake Adele Watson Mrs. Towne Evelvn Sherman Hod Stoat Tack Curtis Mrs. Hod Stoat Pattison Dial February 15 to 29, 1924. Producer — Rupert Hughes Footage — 6,612 ft. Distributor — Goldwyn-CosmOpolitan Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — Present Divorce Laws Make a Joke of Matrimony Doesn’t Quite Hit the Nail on the Head, but is Illuminative of Divorce Evil — Scenes in Yellowstone Park a Feature We have classed “Reno” as a 65% production on account of its failure to reach the mark for which it set out — it has just missed being a very excellent satire. So far as its entertainment qualities are concerned the exhibitor will find it satisfactory, and in fact quite above average. The situation provided by the author who has also supplied interesting information regarding the diversified character of divorce laws in the different states, is both amusing and appalling. Two little children at intervals during the picture discuss their numerous mammas, the remarried couples discover that in one state they are not married at all, in another that the husband still belongs by law to his first wife, and a complication of still further interest tries to prove that children born of a divorced wife are illegitimate. It’s all according to what state of the Union you are passing through or residing in. So much for the theme on which the story is based; and, good or bad, at least provides food for thought. The picture should have been a farcical satire. It hasn’t quite got the edge. It is entertaining and should go over well with most audiences. A large and excellent cast plays the picture; notable among those who give much to the production are Lew Cody, George Walsh, Carmen Myers, Dale Fuller, Helene Chadwick, Victor Potel, Rush Hughes. Some thoroughly amusing and original touches of comedy are to be found in the picture, such, for instance, as where Jerry Dysart pulls his sweetheart into the telephone booth as she walks bv her mother’s side, and pulls a love scene inside the booth while mamma looks vainly for her daughter. Scenes photographed at Yellowstone Park are beautiful. Here also a fierce struggle takes place between two of the husbands. (Continued on next page) C No Advertising Support Accepted!