Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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SCREEN OPINIONS TELLS THE TRUTH 175 STORY OF THE PLAY The story concerns Guy Tappan, his first wife and two other wives married after the legitimate securing of divorces. The attempt of Guy to get money from his rich aunt to pay for his own divorce suit and that of the third Mrs. Tappan which she gained from her first husband, brings about a struggle to get possession of the two Tappen children from wife number one, because Aunt Aliaa refuses to give up ten thousand dollars unless the beloved children are placed in her care. After much chasing and fighting on the part of the men and laughter and tears on the part of the women concerned, they finally settle into a fairly composed state to undo the tangle. PROGRAM COPY— “Reno”— With an All-Star Cast Come and see “Reno” if you want to get a correct idea of the influence of the divorce laws on the morality of married couples. One of the most amusing satirical farces you have ever seen. Don’t miss it. “PRINCE OF A KING”— [Class B] 65% (Adapted from “John of the Woods”) Story: — Adventures of Stolen Prince Restored to Queen Mother by Former Court Physician VALUE CAST Photography — Average — Not credited. Gigi . .Dinky Dean TYPE OF PICTURE — Interesting — Queen Claudia Virginia Pearson Adventurous. Urbano, Court Physician Josef Swickard Moral Standard — Average. Count Mario John Sainpolis ■ ■ — Duke Roberto Sam DeGrasse Story — Good — Drama — Family. Andrea Mitchell Lewis Star — Good — Dinky Dean. Cecco Frank Barrow Author — Good — Abbie Farwell Brown. Tonio Toke Du Crow Direction — Good — Albert Austin. Peasant Woman Ethel Wales Adaptation — Good — Douglas Doty. ■■ 1 — Technique — Good. February 15 to 29, 1924. Spiritual Influence — Average. Producer — Z. A. Stegmuller Footage — 5,000 ft. Distributor — Selznick Our Opinion MORAL O’THE PICTURE — In Giving Aid Without Question We May Be Entertaining “Princes” Unawares Interesting Presentation of Acrobatic Child as New Juvenile Star — Production Well Staged, But Poorly Subtitled “A Prince of a King” has a good chance for popularity. The exhibitor may book it without hesitancy because of its entertainment qualifications. A new child star, Dinky Dean, appears in the picture and acquits herself well, both as an actor and as an acrobat. This child is not over four years of age judging from appearances as well as reports. He is a handsome little fellow, and bids fair to become one of the world’s great acrobats, as well as possessing considerable talent for screen acting. In the street scenes in which the stolen child, who is used by a band of pauper acrobats to earn the necessary money for all hands, gives an exhibition of his skill. Dinky Dean astonishes the spectator with his clever application of the tricks of his trade. The story of the stolen prince is interesting and is played by a cast of competent players, which a glance at the names will verify. The scenes in the forest where the prince gets his first taste of happiness with Urbano, the former court physician and his dog, are delightfully pictured. The settings within the royal palace are rich and spacious, and altogether the production is one that is well worth seeing. Virginia Pearson, Josef Swickard Mitchell Lewis and Sam De Grasse are outstanding figures in the cast. f STORY OF THE PLAY The death of King Lorenzo and the birth of an heir to the throne takes place about the same time. The child is stolen by an agent of Duke Roberto, who hopes to gain possession of the throne. The little prince falls into the hands of a band of traveling acrobats, and, after considerable mistreatment, runs away and finds shelter with Urbano, former court physician, with whom he lives happily in a cabin in the forest, until Andrea, leader of the acrobats, learns his whereabouts. At the same time Urbano discovers a royal trinket hung about the neck of the prince, and after a series of adventures in which Andrea and the Duke Roberto oppose the efforts of Urbano and the queen to restore the prince to the royal palace, the child is acclaimed king, and the villain meets punishment. PROGRAM COPY — “A Prince of a King” — Featuring Dinky Dean Dinky Dean, a new and talented child star, plays the role of the prince in “A Prince of a King.” You will be thrilled with this youngster’s unusual skill at acrobatics. Unbiased and Independent Reviews Only!