Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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Issued the 1st and 15th of Each Month ScreenQpinions THE UNBIASED REVIEWING SERVICE! Voi. 14 April 15th to 30th, 1924 No. 3 Independent Reviews! Of Feature Picture* in the U. S. A. and Many Foreign Special * Entered as Second-Class Matter June 3, 1919, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879 The only service of its kind in all the world • — putting every nnit of the Industry on record, semi-monthly, according to merit SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In TT. S. A. $15.00 a Year. In Canada, Mexico and Foreign Countries $16.00 RADIO COMPETITION A year ago a few far-sighted exhibitors were scenting entertainment competition ahead. But they didn’t think it would come so fast or so strongly as it has. Folks can sit in their parlors now and hear jazz, orchestras, speakers and grand opera on the radio— -get wonderful entertainment right at home. There is interest for everybody — young people, children, mother, father and the old folks. And the broadcasting programs are constantly getting better. Consider that the first three months of this year one manufacturer sold $2,500,000 worth of radio tubes. One million new receivers have been put into use in the past three months. And four years ago the industry was unborn. The radio is a menace to you Mr. Exhibitor. You should make plans now to hold your patrons. You can do this by making your picture entertainments better. ,To do this you must show good pictures regularly. Show pictures of known value. You can select these safely through SCREEN OPINIONS service. U ADVERTISING SUPPORT ACCEPTED!