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Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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“Book the New Percentage Way*’ 49 “CONDUCTOR 1492”— 90% (Especially prepared for the screen) Reviewed April, 1924 Theme— Irishman Who Wins Favor and Fortune) Locating Missing Stock Scripts VALUE Photography — Excellent — Not credited. Type — Humorour — Thrilling. Moral Standard — Good. Story — Excellent — Com.-Melo. — Family Star — Excellent — Johnny Hines. Author — Excellent — Johnny Hines. Direction — Excellent — Charles Hines. Adaptation — Excellent — Not credited. Technique — Excellent. Spiritual Influence — Average. Moral — None outstanding. CAST Terry O’Toole Johnny Hines Noretta Connelly Doris May Mike O'Toole . Dan Mason Bobby Connelly Byron Sage Richard Langford Robert Cain Denman Connelly Fred Esmelton Edna Brown Ruth Rennick Producer — Warner Bro9. Footage — 7079 feet. Distributor — Warner Bros. Opinion The A Top-Notcher for the Wide-Awake Exhibitor If the exhibitor i$ looking for a top-notch comedy-melodrama he cannot do better than book “Conductor 1492.” It is representative of the best type of comedy, clean, wholesome and every inch entertaining. Johnny Hines is his very self in the title role, and Dan Mason as his good old Irish father who arrives in town via the police patrol. Doris May is graceful as the picture’s sweetheart, who falls in love) at first sight with “Conductor 1492,” who saves her little brother from being killed by the street car. A vein of intrigue puts an extra kick in the picture. A spectacular fire and rescue are staged in which Johnny Hines carries Dan Mason out of a two-story window amid flames, the old mam having gone into the fire to rescue the doll. One of the best comedy features of the picture occurs at a skating carnival where Johnny Hines supplies the legs in the “north end” of a fake camel. “UNKNOWN PURPLE”— 80% (Adapted from a play of the same name) Reviewed April, 1924 Theme — Secret Color Method Man Accused in Recovering Formula VALUE Photography — Very good— Oliver Marsh Type — Sensational. Moral Standard — Average. Story — Very good — Melo. — Family. Cast — Very good — All-Star. Author — Very good — Roland West. Direction — Very good — Roland West. Adaptation — Very good — P. Schofield. Technique — Very good. Spiritual Influence — Neutral. Moral — None. CAST Peter Marchmont._ Henry B. Walthall Jewel Marchmont .Alice Lake James Dawson Stuart Holmes Ruth Marsh ..Helen Ferguson Bobbie .....Frankie Lee Mrs. Freddie Goodlittle .Ethel G. Terry Leslie Bradbury James Morrison Producer — Carlos Production. Footage — 6950 feet. Distributor — Truart — State Rights. Opinion The Mystery Feature — Unadulterated Melodrama — Excellent Cast “The Unknown Purple” is a mystery story in which the novelty of illustrating the strange color invention possessed by the hero, with a purple glow over scenes in which the “unknown purple” veils the form of the strange visitant, terrifying the occupants in the home of the transgressors, is an added attraction. The plot concerns the railroading of an innocent man to prison, of his escape to find the woman he believed to be waiting for him married to another, and his child neglected and left to the care of servants. By means of a strange color process he is able to move about, steal necklaces from women’s necks, and rifle safes, etc., without being perceived, the color glow causing invisibility. The cast is a well selected one, and the production should give good satisfaction in neighborhood houses billed as a novelty melodrama. No Advertising Support Accepted!