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Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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Issued the 1st and 15th of Each Month screen opinions THE UNBIASED REVIEWING SERVICE! Vol. 14 May 15tli to 31st, 1924 No. 5 Independent Reviews! Of Feature Picture* in the U. S. A. and Many Foreign Special* Entered as Second-Class Matter April 21. 1924, at the Postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879 The only service of Its kind In all the world — putting every unit of the Industry on record, semi-monthly, according to merit SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In U. S. A. $15.00 a Year. In Canada, Mexico and Foreign Countries $16.00 You Can Serve But One Master! Last month the largest exhibitors’ magazine announced that no more reviews of pictures would be given. It has taken them nine years tq admit the fact that their reviews are and always have been shams — practically worthless to exhibitors in giving dependable facts about the pictures. Their reviews have been mere stories of the plots. They couldn’t be anything more. The magazine’s income is derived from advertising. They could not tell the truth about pictures when unfavorable to their advertisers without losing profitable advertising. While reviews are highly important to all exhibitors it is high time all such worthless reviews should be stopped by all trade publications. SCREEN OPINIONS accepts no advertising. It gives the true facts— unprejudiced, dependable, honest, authoritative. Index Pet. Play Page Pet. Play Page 80 %— “Bluff" 78 80 % — ‘Ridgway of Montana" 77 90% — "Chechahcos" 75 90 %— 'Sherlock Jr.” 74 65%—' "Danger Line” 80%—' "Goldfish" 74 OD Vo — 80 % — ‘Torment" 95 % — ‘Triumph" 80%—' “Lone Chance" 80 80 % — ‘Trouble Shooter" 75 80%—' "Lone Wolf” 50 % — 'Untamed Youth" 79 80% — "Mile. Midnight" 78 50% — 'Wanted by the Law” 76 65% — "Printer's Devil" 79 Published Semi-Monthly by Flint McNanghton 806 S, Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III., U. S. A. STAFF: Flint McNaughton Business Manager "P. J.” Garvey Managing Editor Margaret I. MacDonald Associate Editor New York Representative: MARGARET I. MacDONALD 1493 Broadway — Suite 220 NO ADVERTISING SUPPORT ACCEPTED!