Screen Opinions (1923-24)

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Issued the 1st and 15th of Each Month screenopinions THE UNBIASED REVIEWING SERVICE! Vol. 13 November 1st to 13th, 1024 No, 4 Independent Reviews! Of Feature Picture t in the U. S. A. and Many Foreign Special • Entered as Second-Clas3 Matter April 21, 1924, at the PostofTice at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879 The only aervlce of Ha kind In all the world — putting every unit of the Industry on record, semi-monthly, according to merit SUBSCRIPTION* RATES: In U. S. A. 115.00 & Year. In Canada. Mexico and Foreign Countries 818.09 Not Simply Opinion — Scientific Ratings The ratings on pictures reviewed in SCREEN OPINIONS are determined by expert analysis of the twelve fundamentals that contribute in establishing the standard of box office value. Little things, often disregarded, are never lost in SCREEN OPINIONS reviews. You enjoy in SCREEN OPINIONS the advantage of the system that brings the dependable facts and real values out of pictures. How SCREEN OPINIONS Values Are Determined: Masterful ... ...100% Good . 05% Superior ... 95% Average 50% Excellent ... 00% Fair 40% ' cry good... 80% Poor 35% Every picture reviewed in SCREEN OPINIONS is analyzed according to definite standards before arriving at positive percentage value. The independent summary in “The Opinion" is submitted to you for final judgment, because in all cases you must have the last word when it comes to selecting the pictures. A thorough reading of "The Opinion" will give a clearer idea of the nature of the picture, so that you may be better able to judge its money-making possibilities for you. its entertainment value and suitability for your patronage. Published Semi-Monthly by Flint McNaughton *06 S, Wabash Avenue, Chicago, III., U. 8. A. Vddress AH Correspondence to This Office. STAFF: I’. .1. GABVEV Managing Editor Chicago Office: MARGARET I. MacDONAJuD, Associate Editor New York Office: 1403 Broadway RO ADVERTISING SUPPORT ACCEPTED!