The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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13] DOWNSTAIRS HALL. Aunt Rose comes out of the \itchen and wal\s towards the hall telephone, withered hand to her breast. aunt rose: I cain't catch m'breath, Archie Lee. Phone give me such a fright. archie: (From above) Answer it. She has recovered some now and gingerly lifts the receiver. aunt rose: Hello? This is Miss Rose Comfort McCorkle speaking. No, the lady of the house is Mrs. Archie Lee Meighan, who is the daughter of my brother that passed away . . . Archie Lee is hurrying down the stairs. archie: They don't wanta know that! Who in hell is it talking and what do they want? aunt rose: I'm hard of hearing. Could you speak louder, please? The what? The Ideal Pay As With amazing, if elephantine, speed, Archie snatches the phone from the old woman. archie: Gi'me that damn phone. An* close the door. The old woman utters her breathless cackle and bac\s against the door. Archie speaks in a hoarse whisper. archie: Now what it this? Aw. Uh-huh. Today? Aw. You gotta g'me more time. Yeah, well you see I had a terrible setback' in business lately. The Syndicate Planta Page n