The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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BABY DOLL: I'm going to move to Kotton King Hotel, the very next time you try to break the agreement! The very next time! She disappears. . . . 15] CLOSE SHOT. ARCHIE LEE WET. DISSOLVE. 16] ARCHIE LEE. He is seated in his ig^y Chevy Sedan. The car is ca\ed with pale brown mud and much dented. Pasted on the windshield is a photo of Baby Doll smiling with bewilderment at the birdie-in-the-camera. Archie Lee is honing his horn with unconcealed and unmodified impatience. archie: (Shouting) Baby Doll! Come on down here, if you're going into town with me. I got to be at the doctor's in ten minutes. (No answer) Baby Doll!!! From inside the house. Baby DollV voice. baby doll: If you are so impatient, just go ahead without me. Just go ahead. I know plenty of ways of getting downtown without you. archie: You come on. . Silence. The sound of the Syndicate Gin. Archie does a sort of imitation. His face is violent. Page 14