The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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archie: People know the situation between us. Yestiddy on Front Street a man yelled to me, "Hey Archie Lee, has y'wife outgrowed the crib yet??" And three or four others haw-hawed! Public! Humiliation! Baby Doll in bac\ seat, her beads and earrings ajingle li\e a circus pony's harness. baby doll: Private humiliation is just as painful. archie: Well! — There's an agreement between us! You ain't gonna sleep in no crib tomorrow night, Baby, when we celebrate your birthday. baby doll: If they remove those five complete sets of furniture from the house, I sure will sleep in the crib because the crib's paid for— I'll sleep in the crib or on the top of Aunt Rose Comfort's pianner. . . . archie: And I want to talk to you about Aunt Rose Comfort. . . . I'm not in a position to feed and keep her any baby doll: Look here, Big Shot, the day Aunt Rose Comfort is unwelcome under your roof . • . archie: Baby Doll, honey, we just got to unload ourselves of all unnecessary burdens. . • . Now she can't cook and she baby doll: If you don't like Aunt Rose Comfort's cookin, then get me a regular servant. I'm certainly not going to cook for a fat ole thing like you, money wouldn't pay me Owwwww! Archie has backhanded her. And prepares to do so again. Page 17