The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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BABY DOLL! I'm not talking to you. archie: What are you doing out here? baby doll: Because in the first place, I didn't have the money to pay for a hotel room, because you don't give me any money, because you don't have any money, and secondly, because if I had the money I couldn't have no way of getting there because you went off in the Chevy, and leave me no way of getting anywhere, including to the fire which I wanted to see just like everyone else. archie: What fire you talking about? baby doll: What fire am I talking about? archie: I don't know about no fire. baby doll: You must be crazy or think I'm crazy. You mean to tell me you don't know the cotton gin burned down at the Syndicate Plantation right after you left the house. archie: (Seizing her arm) Hush up. I never left this house. baby doll: You certainly did leave this house. OWII archie: Look here! Listen to what I tell you. I never left this house. . . . baby doll: You certainly did and left me here without a coke in the place. OWWI1 Cut it out!! Page 32