The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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silva: Only she don't want you to cut the grass. boy: Yes, sir, silva: So you go on like you were. Understand? boy: Oh, yes, sir. Thank you, sir. The boy, now completely bewildered, goes on, as he was. 69] INTERIOR. COTTON GIN. Something is wrong. The men, including Rock, are gathered around a large piece of machinery. There is the characteristic debate as to what is wrong, opinions differing. Onto this rather hectic group runs Baby Doll. Archie turns on her viciously. archie: WhatVe you doin' here, have you gone crazy?? baby doll: I want to tell you something! You big slob. This is just a little more than a desperate and harassed Archie can bear. He suddenly comes across and smac\s Baby Doll. Good and hardl archie: I told you never, never, never, to cross that road to this cotton gin 70] CLOSE SHOT. SILVA. He has entered and seen the action. Page j8