The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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silva: * It figures. I inspected your equipment, Meighan, before I put in my own and I put up my own cotton gin because this equipment was rotten, was rotten, and still is rotten. Now it's quarter past two by my watch and I counted twenty-three fully loaded wagons still out on your runway. And if you can't move those wagons any faster . . • archie: Now don't go into any hysterics. You Italians are prone to get too excited. . . . silva: Never mind about we Italians. You better get yourself a new saw-cylinder and get this contraption running again. And if you can't get one in Clarksdale, you better go to Tunica, and if you can't get one in Tunica, you better go to Memphis, and if you can't get one in Memphis, keep going to St. Louis. Now get on your horse. archie: Now listen to me, Silva silva: One more crack out of you, I'm going to haul across the river. I said get on your horse. Meighan hesitates. Then decides he must swallow this humiliation. There? s nothing else for him to do unde* the circumstances. He exits. Silva calls Rock over close. silva: (Sotto voce) I got a saw-cylinder in our commissary. Go get it and bring Hank over to help you put it in. Get this thing running. He ain't gonna get one in Clarksdale and if he goes to Memphis — well, don't wait for him. And he exits. Page 80