The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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stops there and waits and listens — but the sound isn9t immediately repeated, so she goes on up. She goes into the bathroom and starts to bandage her cut finger. 79] INTERIOR HALL OF MEIGHAN HOUSE. VACARRO DISCOVERED. FULL SHOT. Vacarro is grinning up at the staircase. He slaps the banisters viciously with his whip, then chuckles. CAMERA PANS WITH VACARRO. He strolls into the kitchen, sees ice-box door hanging open. Helps himself to the remains of a chic\en, tearing it apart and gnawing the meat off it. He notices lemons and bloodspots— laughs. silva: Trail o* blood! Ha ha! He empties the flooded ice-fan over dirty dishes in sin\. Filth! Disgusting! He slaps the wail with whip and laughs. 80] INTERIOR. THE MEIGHANS* BEDROOM. BABY DOLL WANDERS IN FROM BATHROOM. The finger is clumsily bandaged now, and she wanders across the room and examines herself in the mirror. baby doll: Look V me! Big mess. . . . There are dar\ stains of sweat on the watermelon pin\ dress. She lazily starts to remove it. Hears the slapping Page 87