The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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99] UPSTAIRS. THE NURSERY. Baby Doll, considerably disarrayed, has heard Archie's shout from below and is just ma\ing her way on hands and \nees to the window. Now she crawls on the floor over to the crib. baby doll: It's Archie Lee, Downstairs screen door slams. Vacarro gurgles, murmurs, whimpers, all of which mean 'don't bother me, I want to sleep.9 There is a sudden shout from downstairs as if a cry of pain. 100] DOWNSTAIRS. What Meighan sees is the debris of the ceiling. He loo\s up at the gaping hole in the roof over his head at the top of the stair well and then down the stairs. Baby Doll appears on the staircase in a silken wrapper. archie: What happened here? Baby Doll doesn't answer. She stares at him with blan\ insolence. archie: Hunh? I said what the hell happened here? baby doll: You mean that mess in the hall? The plaster broke in the attic archie: How'd that— how'd that— happen? baby doll: How does anything happen? It just happened. She comes on lazily down, avoiding his loo\. "Page 102