The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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Let's go in and eat now. I got a pain in my belly, I got a sort of heartburn. . . . 102] INTERIOR HOUSE. They enter the \itchen and then to the dining room. Archie LeeV condition is almost shoc\. He can't quite get with the situation. He numbly figures that he'd better play it cool till the inner fog clears. But his instinct is murder. His cowardly caution focuses his malice on the old woman and the unsatisfactory supper she's prepared. archie: Hey! Hey! One more place at the table! Mr. Vacarro from the Syndicate Plantation is stayin' to supper, aunt rose: (With a startled outcry, clutching her chest) Oh — I had no idea that company was expected. Just let me — change the silver and . . . archie: Another place is all that's called for. Have you been here all day? aunt rose: What was that, Archie Lee? archie: HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE HOUSE ALL AFTERNOON OR DID YOU LIGHT OUT TO THE COUNTY HOSPITAL TO EAT SOME CHOCOLATE CANDY???? Aunt Rose gasps as if struc\, then she caches . . . aunt rose: I — I — visited! — an old friend in a — coma! Page no