The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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archie: Then you was out while I was . (Turns to Vacarro — fiercely) I work like the hammers of hell! I come home to find the attic floor has fell through, my wife bad-tempered, insulting! and a supper of hog slops — . Sit down, eat. I got to make a phone call. He crosses somewhat unsteadily into the hall and pic\s up the telephone as Baby Doll descends the grand staircase and goes past him with face austerely averted. She is clad in a fresh sil\ sheath and is adjusting an earring as she passes through the hall. We go with her into dining room. baby doll: He's at the phone about something and if I was you, I wouldn't hang around long. silva: I think I've got the ace of spades in my pocket. He pats where he's stashed the confession signed by Baby Doll, baby doll: Don't count on a law court. Justice is deaf and blind as that old woman! Aunt Rose Comfort rushes out to cut roses for a vase to set on table. baby doll: I'm advising you, go! — while he's on the phone. silva: I find you different this evening in some way. baby doll: Never mind, just go! Before he gits off the phone. silva: Suddenly grown up! Page in