The script for the film baby doll (1956)

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archie: OH HO HO HO HOI (Kic\s \itchen door shut) Now you all listen to me! Quit giving looks back an* forth an* listen to me! Y'think I'm deaf, dumb an' blind or something do yuh? You're mistoo\, Oh, brother, but you're much, mucji — mistoo\! Ohhhh, I knooow! — I guess I look like a — I guess I look like a Wanting, puffing pause; he reels a little, clutching chair bac\. baby doll: (Insolently childish lisp) What d'you guess you look like, Archie Lee? YN> about t' tell us an* then yuh quit fo' some archie: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Some little innocent Baby Doll of wife not ready fo' marriage, oh, no, not yet ready for marriage but plenty ready t' Oh, I see how it's funny, I can see how it's funny, I see the funny side of it. Oh ho ho ho hoi Yes, it sure is comic, comic as hell! But there's one little teensy-eensy little — thing that you — overlooked I I! Got position! Yeah, yeah, I got position! Here in this county! Where I was bo'n an* brought up! I hold a respected position, lifelong! — mem ber of Wait! Wait!— Baby Doll. . . . She had started to cross past him; he seizes her wrist. She wrenches free. Vacarro stirs and tenses slightly but doesn't rise or change his cool smile. On my side 're friends, long-standin' bus'ness associates, an' social! See what I mean ? You ain't got that advantage, have you, mister? Huh, mister? Ain't you a dago, or something, excuse me, I mean Eyetalian or something, here in Tiger Tail County? Page 120