See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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I'laekk. / / /lojurnio^ and A-V Material Dr. Henrieita Fleck lUinoh State Nonual University Editor's Note: The sun-ey of education, o\crvie\v of education, or some similar course is a part of every teacher training sequence. The role of visual materials in these courses is limited indeed, but need not be. Dr. Fleck went through the unique opportunity of working with the instructors teaching 15 sections of a beginning education course at the University of Ohio School of Education. Her problem was to set up a uniform track of teaching materials usclul in this education course but within which there was sufficient lee-wav for individual \acillation. Each teacher was encouraged to interpret the plan she speaks of in this article in his own way. This article describes one unit within this course. TI IE Freshman Program Executive Committee appointed our Committee on Teaching Aids. Instructors from the education survey course and several graduate students were represented on this committee. This Teaching Aids Committee selected films and recordings, analyzed them, and prepared guides lor their use in Education 407, required survey course in the College of Education. The major criterion for the selec rclationsl lion of films and recordings to be used was that the teaching aid should challenge the thinking of students in regard to (1) problems and issues related to the role of schools in society, and (2) implications of these problems and issues Pags 80 as they concerned prospective teachers. A large number of films and recordings were previewed. Each film and recording were scrutinized for social and educational issues. The films which were chosen as suitable for the course were as follows : 1. White Bamiers (School se{|uence film) depicting various aspects of discipline and teacher pupii relationships. (20 minutes) black and white, sound. 2. Captains Conraoeoiis (School sequence film) emphasizing points concerning private and public education, the "ha\es" and the "havenots," the relation of father to son, and the like. (20 minutes) black May-5EE and HEAR