See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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Some sewing instructions go a long way toward bringing up the clothing standarcl in the coniniunitv . Above all, the school cannot isolate itself from community affairs and concentrate on the three R's, but rather it must be an intelligent observer of life's problems. It has a real responsibility for improving a comnuinity. The greatest gains arc pf)ssible in impoverished communi ties. I'icturcs courtesy of Look MaKa/inc. Page B2 The pupils need a knowledge of good housing, because man> of them know only the poor structures in which they live, which originally were built from logs by their greatgrandparents. and wliite, sound. 3. Block Legion stressing the relation of employer to employee, nationality conflicts, the role of cliques, and family relationships. (20 minutes) black and white, sound. 4. And So They Live opening the whole problem of the relation of a -school to its community. (20 minutes) black and white, sound. All of these fdms may be secured from the New York University Film Librar}'. Most are also available through state film rental libraries. The following recordings were selected as most challenging: 1. The People, Yes dealing with human relations and the causes of human conflict. (30 minutes) 33^} revolutions per minute. May— SEE and HEAR It