See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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.!■ fX£C "$aam TEST" shows amazing improvement in your pictures! Project your pictures on Free Sample of Radiant's new "Million Mirror" screen fabric — and see for yourself the remarkable difference it makes! See liow millions of tiny glass mirrors, hrmly imbedJed in the pure white screen SLirtace, make your pictures fairly glow ^*l with life! See what happens when Hght v/i/ii n;//('i-W instead of absorbed! You will enjoy clearer, sharper black and whites — richer, brighter, more brilliant colors. Here is projection as real as life itself! Then ask your dealer to demonstrate the new 19-19 Radiant Screens. Notice how easily they set up — how ruggedly they're built Used and approved by leading industrial concerns, school systems, churches and government agencies all over the world — you cannot buy a better screen. Send coupon and get ABSOLUTELY FREE • Generous sample of new Radiant "'Million Mirror" Screen Fabric . . . Test it with your own projector and sec for yourself the remarkable improvement over any other projection surface. • Basic Film Source Directory— your handy guide ID hundreds of film sources. RADIANT PIOJICTION SCBEfNS Radiant ManufacturinR C-orp. I2'.t:l .S. Talman Ave. Chicago 8, 111. Send me FREE: Sample of Radiant "Million Mirror" Screen Fabric AND Basic Film Source Directory Name City _SlaU^ My dealt t See & Hear THii N.\TioNAi. Magazine of Sight & .Sound IN Education A Previe^v of Contents New York Times Issues Filnisnips 6 See 8: Hear News-Letter 8 Feature: Our Living Problems \ Restatement of the Need 1 1 The Problems \\'e .Ml Face 12 Films That Help Improve L'ndcrstanding . . . . 13 Small Town \ s. Big Town 14 Recognition by National Groups 16 Film Councils Meet Living Problems 17 A Statement by Glen Binch New Materials Inventory 18 Special Section: Administration Median Extension Film Library Survey A A Report by Leila Troliuger We Are Today Spending: Budget Notes B .\rticles and .\A' Ideas Conser\ing Soil Resources: Re\ iew 19 Streamlining the Learning Process 20 /))' Wanda Wheeler Johnston and Ottie H. Kirby Since the War: Educational Films in Norway. .22 A Report by Bo Wingard of Nonvay Radio In Education pEAruRES Mark Hopkins Returns: Radio Sketch li.'I A Script Original by Recene V. Ashton Indiana's School ot the Sky 24 by Harjy J. Skornia Om C'.()nmunnt\ Helpers antl Films -i> by Ellen Mill man We Document Our Learning Experiences 2S by Vernon A. Hinzc Understanding Oiu Actions W A Primary Feature by Marie }. Frederickson Published at 812 N. Dearborn St. Chicago 10 O. H. Coelln, Jr., Publisher Earl Hale, Presides Walter A. Wittich, Editor \Villiani Ball, Art Directc New Vork: Robert .Scyimnir. Jr.. 489 Fifth Avenue Los Angeles: Kdmiuid Kerr. 5()0() Sunset Boulevard Sec S; Hc.n-Tlic Natinnal Mag.i/inc of Siglil & Sound in Education. Issi 2. \'oUinK 1, pnblislii'd October 15, 1948. Issued 8 times annually fro sipKnilKi lo Ma\ inilusi\e during llic regular school year. Published Hl'J Norlh Dearborn SI.. Chicago 10. Illinois. Phone Wll itehall 4-(i807O. H. Coelln. jr.. I'ublislur. Bv subscription: $;1.00 per year; SS.OO (■ two years. Foreign aiul Canada; S4.1I0 per year; S6 for two years. Ent as second class mailer applied (or at the post office at Chicago, Illino under the Act of March :f. 187!l. Entire Contents Copyright 1948. Inte national Rights Reset\ed. .\ddrcss all editorial and circulation inquiries the olhce of publication at Chicago. .A.