See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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rsLetterA . . . to the Editors * I lie Editors ol Si i .<: Hi \r are in «lil)ud lo .Mari>iii MariciisHu^lus. luliloi ol EBFiliiis N'cus. and Mi. AVillietl E. Berube. Director of the \isu;d Ediuaiion Dept.. East Senior Hii^ii Sdiool. I'au tucket, R. 1.. for ])ei mission to reprint llie following cxaipis lioiu a recent exchange of correspondeiue between the twoexcerpts which locus attention on a point of interest to the entire visual education field. The ideas contained in the corresponcleme speak lor ihemselves. We pulilish lluni loi oui nadei audience ol a\ leaders in the hope that they will stimulate the kind of tliscussion that leads to direct action. We will be happy to open our ciiUinnis to vour coinments and sugj;esiions. M;nx<ii Maiti'ns lliis;liis. Kiliior. V.m\cliii>:ii'cli;i Hritaiiiiii.i Films No«s. ■WiliiKtle. Illinois. Hear Miss Hughes: ... I uoiulcr if il vioiiUI ho possible for me lo oliiain .ilioiii a ilo/eii or more topies of llie recenl liiillelins whiili sliowetl sam pic organisation aiulio-visiial aids depart menls in oilier eilics . . . I l\a\c a suggestion lo olTer thai niiglii pio\e of value to vou or your conipanv. Would il be possible to produce (ilnislrips from these pamphlets showing ihc work of other audio-visual deparlnu-nis? Il is al wavs interesting for us in ihe field lo learn what other cities are doing, but through Ihe production of tilmslrips (or lilms) this same maleiial lonid l)e used lo show teach ers. parents, schoolboards. and the jniblic in general whai audiovisual n\ stems are leallv like. I have wailed lor eiglu long years for someone lo release either a lilm or filmslrip on "What is an audio-visual cdncalion de parimenl— and wlial arc its functions?" . . . but no one has yet produced such malerial. 1 believe in praciicing what 1 preach, but when asked to present the case of .\\'.\ to outside groups, where can I find a-\ aids on Ihe subject? Ccrtainlv I know about such films as Brill jiinn tlie World to the Classiiioni. and other productions ahmg the same line. l)iil do anv of these show whal an .W deparlmenl is like? The answer is obvious. Despite all the litcraliire on the subject . . . there is still much misunderstanding. !«■cause we in llie licld have faileil lo use our own medium lo help ihe public niulersiand whal we are trying lo do . . . N'cry iiulv voiii's. (Signed) Wiifrfd K. Ucri hk. Willnd I., llcruhe. IJiretlor. \'isiial Kchualion Deparlmciii. Fast .Senior High School. I'avMucket. Rhode Island. Dear .Mr. Berube: . . . Under separate cover, I am sending vou a few copies of each of Ihe four reprints on audio-visual programs in schools and libraries . . . I find vour suggestion <m making filmstrips from this scries a particularly interesting one for two reasons: First— we iniliallv planned just such a scries of slidefilms, and collected the photographs for ihem. which subseciuently became (instead) ihe center section of the News . . . Secondly —because a similar suggestion was made during the recent meeting of audio-visual peojjlc which followed the meeting of the F.HFilms .Scholarship Selecticm Board in Chicago. .\ll of the very representative group present at that meeting felt that some means should be found lo use the visual media lo show schools ihronghout the counII V whal other schools are doing. I I is most assuredly something thai must be done, possiblv local PT.\ groups or surplus school funds might assist a local film (ouiuil in carrying out the making of such tilmslrips. I certainly hope so. I am going lo pose the question to other audio-visual people bv sending your letter to one of the magazines in the field ... I hojie this meets with vour approval. Verv sincerely yours, (Signed) M arc.ot M..\RTt\s-Hc;Gma. Editor, EBFilms Ne«s. THE EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD OF SEE & HEAR MAGAZINE Koc.tR .-\LBRic.HT, Motion Picture Association Lfster Anderson, University of Minnesota W C. .\RNsricER, Encyclopaedia Britannica Films, Inc. I.E.STER F. Beck, University of Oregon Esther Berc, New York City Public Schools ('.\Mii.L.\ Best, New Orleans Public Schools Flovde E. Brck>kek, us. Office of Education Iamfs \V. Brown, University of Wasliingtoii RoBFRT H. Burcert, San Diego City Schools Miss J. Margaret Carter. National Film Board of Canada Lee W. Cochran, University of Iowa ST>.rnEN M. Corey. Columbia University C. R. Cr.\kf.s: Educational Director, DeVry Corp. .■\mo DeBfjinardis, Portland Public Schools Henry Durr, Virginia State Department of Education t^.LEN G. Eve. University of Wisconsin Frye, Cleveland Public Schools W. G. Gnaedincer, State College of Washington Lowell P. Goodrich, Supt.. Milwaukee Schools William M. Grecory, Western Reseri'e University John L. Hamilton, Film Officer, British Information Service O. A. Hankammf:r. Kansas State Teachers College W. H. Hartley, Townson State Teachers College, .Maryland John R. Hedges, University of Iowa X'iRc.ii. F". Hfrrick. University of Chicago Hf.nrv H. Hill, President, George Peabody College Charles Hoff, University of Omaha Walter E. Johnson, Society for I'isual Education. Inc. Wanda Wheeler Johnston, Knoxville Public Schools Hfrou> L. Kooser. Iowa State College •Vbraham Kra-sker. Boston Unii>ersity L. C. Larson, Indiana University Gordon N. MacJCenzie, Teachers College, Columbia Univ. Harold B. Mc^Carty, Director WHA, University of Wisconsin Bert McClfixand, Victor .Inimatograph Corporation CH.ARLF.S P. McInnis, Columbia (S.C.) Public Schools Charles F. Milner, University of North Carolina Ervine N. Nelsen, The .impro Corporation Elizabeth Goudv Noel, Radio Consultant, California Francus Noel., California State Department of Education Hfrbfjst Ounder. University of Pittsburgh Bo^D B. Rak£str.\w, Uniiiersity of California, Berkeley Don C. Rogers, Chicago Public Schools W. T. Rowland, Lexington, Kentucky, Public Schools E. E. Sechriest, Birmingham Public Schools Harold Spears, 5<in Francisco Unified School District .\RriiCR Ste-Mus, Detroit Public Schools Leua Trouncer, t'tiii'frjity of Colorado Paul \\'endt, Uniitrsity of Minnesota SEE & H E .\ R