See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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The New Medium AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES by John R. Winnie Director, Motion Picture Division MOI lOX-IMCI URE PRODUCTION j-.ks for ward in llic Motion Picliirc l)i\isioii ol I he I'hcatcr Arts Department at the Universit) ol (California at Los Angeles. The piu[)ose: lo pro\i(le stniients with a knowledge of motion pirtmis, lo train tluni lor ediuaiional and dociuiientarx Ileitis ol liliii making antl to incourage research in the niotionpictme field. It is inipossihie lo teach a student how to make lilins nnless he aelnalh makes them, rhcrefore. the ones he makes shoidd lia\c .some essential value in the com|3leieil stage, otherwise they arc not worth doing originalh. I'lne leaching, training, and documentary films aic among films being made ciirrentlv. Haw to Builit n Hal : a .Master's thesis in geography: The History <>i Fuhn Springs (The Coaclirlla I'alley); and an aiiiiiiaiioii him illustrating an art texihook, Pcrspectn'c. are ciiireiiih nearing completion. The films will, at the proper lime. be made available lo other schools and organizaiioiis. The new Maiirer sound, CineSpccials. and Holex cameras, a .Mole Richardson sound boom. Mamer sound head, Fearless Dolh. Barch\ell-Mc.\llister and Mole-Richardson light ecjiiipnient. Moviola editing and cutting ecpiipment, and B &; H Filmosound and DeV'rx projectors are used at this university. The departmental stafi works as the regular uni\irsity staff and the departments wiihin the Motion Picture .setup are headed b\ the key stall members. .\(lministeriiig the entire department is Kcnneih Macgo^van. Chairman of the Theater Arts Department. The Motion Picture Dixision is under the directorship of John Ross Winnie. Regular uni\eisil\ budget co\cis all phases of leaching and production and equipment. The deparlmeni is in a position to do films for outside agencies, but ouh when it is felt that such a service is justified and warranted. In short, it does not have to worry aboui the department making money in order that it may survive. Quite the contrary, the uni\'ersit\' does not permit it to make money. I'liiure plans aim at an integrated an cenier .it the University of California, with extensive building facilities for motion picture, theater, and radio. • IN THE PICTURES TOP: UCLA camera class shooting test setups on sound stage. (Mr. Dyhrenfurth with light meter). CENTER: Edith hiead, Paramount designer and lecturer on the UCLA staff discusses a problem with class. BELOW: Fritz Lang, noted film director, confers with John Winnie (striped tie) and a class in film direction. liV SEE & HEAR >A *% m V