See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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.^^twt^^ vwsioR^ 60Mt 00^ 0\Z% ...on Film A series of excellent DOCUMEN- TARY and factual films, covering important historic events and per- sonalities. 20 subjects at your disposal... for integration with courses in history and the social sciences. Write tor compfate descriptive brochure Academic Film Co. Inc. 516Fi(lhAve.. N. Y. 18, N. Y. THE FINEST IN A-V MATERIALS IS ADVERTISED L\ SEE & HEAR BERTRAM drew up his chair to see the class film. Rethought, "Why is it hard to understand there's no winter season at the Equator." Maybe THE SEASONS film would show it. Ten minutes later B. thought,"How simple when it's made clear with MOVING dia- grams." The film did it! SHOW IT TO YOUR CLASS, TOO. EFLA's 1952 Conference to Precede NAVA Show in ("hicago ♦ The Educational Film Library A>- sociation's conference this year will again precede the \AVA trade show in Chicago, it was recently announced. Ford Lemler has been appointed chair- man of the conference committee. Ten- tative plans call for a series of field trips and special projects in addition to the usual |J3n?l discussions and screenings. A-\ Summer Classes Announced ♦ Arizona State College. Tempe. Ariz., recentiv announced its summer session schedules for 19.52. First semester, to begin June 2 and end July 5. will offer the following courses: Audio-Visual Aids in Education. Production of Audio-Visual Aids. Audio-Visual Edu- cation. Practicinn in Audio-Visual Education. Juiv 7 to August ') will he the dates for the second semester. Courses of- fered will include Audio-Visual Aids in Education and Administration of Audio-Visual Aids Program. Detailed information may he obtained from the college at Tempe, Ariz. * * * ."SO.OOO Titles Carried in New Library of Congress Catalog ♦ The Library of Congress recently issued one of the most valuable film reference books published in many \pars. This new publication is a mon- umental L2.56-page catalog that lists U'ore than 5().(H)0 motion pictures reg- istered in the copyright office from 1912 through 19.39. Entitled Motion Pictures, 1912-1939. the catalog con- tains much information that has up until now been available only after ]>rolonged research in the files of the copyright office. As time passes and old producing companies and their films are forgot- ten, this volume will become increas- ingly valuable as a reference book on films and film historv. The informa- tion given about each film includes, insofar as possible, the sponsor, infor- mation about the published work on which the film was based, physical description, credits, claimant and date of copyright, and the author of the film storv. The material for the en- tries, which are listed alphabetically, was obtained mainlv from the record books of the copyright office, the orij;- inal applications for the registration of the copvright claims, and descrip- tive material that was supplied at tbi- time the films were registered. The cumulative catalog has a 260- page index, which lists the individuals and organizations associated with each motion picture, and a '"Series List." which provides the name of the copy- right claimant and the title and date for each motion picture of a series. Anv particular film may be located in a variety of ways—by title, producing company, copyright claimant, alter- nate title, name of the work on which the film was based. .«eries title, author of the film story, sponsor, and releas- ing or distributing agents. Motion Pictures. 1912-1939 is the first publication in the cumulative se- ries of the Catalog of Copyright En- tries. Work has started on a supple- mentar\ volume that will cover motion pictures copy righted in the years 1940 to 1949. These two cumulative vol- umes and the subsequent semiannual issues of motion pictures and film- strips in the regular series of the Catalog of Copyright Entries will con- stitute a comprehensive bibliography of Inited States motion pictures from 1912 to date. The volume, which is buckram- bound, may be purchased for S18 from the Copvright Office. Librarv of Congress, Washington 2.5. D. C. See & Hear UNITED WORLD FILMS. Inc. SH-2 1445 Park Av. New York 29. N. Y. send information about THE PHYS- ICAL GEOGRAPHY SERIES of films. NAME ADDRESS- CITY -STATK- "The National .Aiidio-\ isual Joiirnar' Office of Publication • 1.50 East Sujicrior Street • Chicago 11 I .ijliT May I si at TiXil Slicriflan Road, Chicago 26) Sec & Hear; The National Audio-Visual JournaL Issue 4 oi Volume ". published Februao' 25. ly5J. Issued monthly during the school year. September to May. Published at 150 E. Superior St.. Chicag' 1] bv .\udio-Visual Publications. Inc. E, M. Hale, president; O. H. Coclln. Jr., vice-president. New York office: Robert .Seymour. .Tr.. 501 W. IL'th Street. By subscription; $3.00 per year; $5.00 ior two years. Foreign; S4,0o for one year; $7.00 tor two years. Entered as second-class matter f)ctober 19. 1948 at the oostoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under .\ct of March 3, 1879. Entire contents copyright 1952; international rights reserved. -Address all advertising and subscription requests and iiufuiries to the Chicago ofticc o: publication noted abovt. SEE and HEAR