See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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Audio-Visual Equipment Review RCA OflFers Player Package With P^ducational Records ♦ New aiitl improved farilities for iiuisic education in elementary schools, utilizing for the first time in this field the 45-rpm svslcni of recorded music, are lieiiig made availalilc 1)\ lv('A Victor, it has been ainnuiiuiil li\ the cot)ipan\"s Education Division. The new facilities consist of a new 45-rpm talile phonograph, featuring an f!-inch electro-dynamic speaker and continuously variable tone control, and ■SiO s|)eciailv recorded compositions comprising the RCA Victor basic rec- ord lilirar) for elementary schools. riie new |)honograpli achieves a tone (|uaiit\ comparable to that of most console phonographs, the com- pany stated, and is a sturdy, compact instrument, well suited for classroom use. The 7-inch, wafer-thin, plastic records have two advantages. They are non-breakable and require only a niininunn of storage space. The librar\ has three basic divi- sions, a rhythm program, a listening program, and a singing program, plus special material. Extensive notes for teachers have been prepared by well- known authorities for each of the .'^7(1 compositions and are included u itii the librar\. The new phiniograph and the 45- rpm library are being offered at a special suggested combination price of S109.95. A direct mail campaign by RCA Victor distributors is planned to bring the offer to the attention of educators. Recorders and Tape Sent (il's by Revere and Minnesota Mining * .Vliles of "Scotch " sound recording tape and 12 Revere tape recorders left St. Paul, .Minn., for the American GI's in Korea on Vlarch 17. as part of the "Talking Letter" program between the boys at the front and their families back home. The recorders and tape are a gift Ic the army service clubs in Korea from the Revere Camera Company. Chicago, manufacturer of the record- ers and Minnesota !\Iining and Mami- ffcturing company. St. Paul, makers of "Scotch" sound recording tape. Governor C. Elmer Anderson, of .Minnesota, officiated at an informal send-off ceremony in St. Paul and personall) tape-recorded a "talking letter" to General Matthew B. Ridg- way and General James A. Van Fleet. Duplicate tape-recordings of the gov- ernor's message went to each of the six stationary army service clubs be- hind the lines in Korea where the tape recorders will be located for use by the fighting men. There were 4.800 special "talking letter" reels of sound recording tape— nearly half a million feet of magnetic tape—each capable of holding a ten- minute recording. In all they will pro- vide some.48,000 minutes of "talking letter" conversation between GI's and their families in the I iiited States. Recipients of "talking letters" from servicemen can take them to any Re- vere dealer where thev can listen to them and also record a return message to the serviceman free of charge. 1.000-Watt Filmstrip Projector ♦ DuKane (Corporation of St. Charles, 111. has announced a new 1,000-watt, electrically-operated filmstrip projec- tor. A new "synchros ink" electrical film advance changes the pictures one frame at a time. "Tape-Chest" Stores Recordings ♦ Recently introduced by Reeves .Soundcraft Corp., New York City, is a five-drawer "Tape Chest" for filing tape recordings. The unit is made of lined boxboard. colored blue. Produced in two sizes, for 625- and 1250-foot reels of tape, the chest is offered free to the consumer with the purchase of five reels of tape in either size. Each (Iraucr liulds a single reel of tape and has an idrnlification label. I he Soiindcrnll "Tape Chest' '^f^ •iippiji^ Carton Shipping Carton I'rotects Tapes * A new corrugated fiberboard car- Ion for mailing and remailing indi- vidual reels of sound recording tape has been announced by the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. Said to |>ro\ ide added ]>rolcctii)n with mini- mum weight, the carton folds around the standard sound recording tape box and is taped shut. The carton is made in four sizes— for four-inch, five-inch, seven-inch and IQi/i-inch reels. Space is provided for address, return and for postage. Show New Tape Recorder Unit * Introduction of a new' portable tape recorder, designed for operation with the user's own audio amplifier and speaker, has been announced by tape- .Vlaster, Inc.. Chicago. The new unit. Model PT-121, in- cludes a lapeMaster tape transport mechanism and matching self-powered pre-amplifier with push-pull super- sonic bias-erase oscillator, fully wired and ready to plug in. Operating at the RTMA standard tape speed of 7.5 inches per second, llie P'r-121 has a maximum speed variation of 2 per cent (95 to 125 volt AC line variation I. Recording time is one hour. Optical-Magnetic Projectors Due * I he adaptation or re-design of 16nun sound projectors to accommo- date sinmltaneous use for magnetic tape recording and reproduction finds at least five major manufacturers with models either out or soon due in this field. An)pro Corporation. Bell & How- ell. Eastman Kodak. RCA Visual Prod- ucts, and Victor Animatograph are among the announced makers of this ivpiipment. Hell & Howell have also announced magnetic coating of films as a company service. Full details will be given in future issues. The Audio-Visual Journal 13