See and hear : the journal on audio-visual learning (1945)

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10,00(1 [n'oplc. lc>c:it(.il IkiII\v.i\ hclwcrn ()Hali()m,i .nul I'cxas. lis Film C^oiinril was ornaiii/td in 1912 as ilic (oiiimmiity agciicv to scinc in thf war iiliii piot^iam. Alici a siiiAON ol tiu- iiK-nibcrs' iict'cN. ilio Couiuil louiul ihat Mithalc ])C()pir didnl sec iiilonnalioiial liiiiis l)ttaiisi- ihc [Hoplc ilidn'i know then- wcii' siuii liliiis. So. the first C'on\iniiinl\ projt'cl was a I'liiii Iiiloiinalion (inur in the l'iil)li( I.ihrarv. \l lliat time, ilicrc wen- i>nl\ iwo Clomuil olhtcrs. a (liiairman and a Sccrctarv; siiui ilun liii' Clomuil activities have in.nil- it siK li a v.dii.ililc (onniiunilv asst'i liiat several othfi otlidis ha\f Ikiii aikird. At a icor<;aiii/ali()n nKclins> last .\la\. tin- .\lid\ak' Cloiistiliition that ap- pc.ns below .uiopled. A (Constitution for the Midvale Film (ioniicir 1. NAME: "this ()ig;ini/;ilion sIkiII Ik- known .i^ ilic \liit\.ilc Film Coiiiuil. 2. Pl'RPOSE: II shall be the |jui|)()sc ol this C.oiMuil lo sliiiiii Idle ami ms;s/ ihe cIlfUiM- use of andiovisiial material. ;i. MEMUERSHIP: Meiiil)eishi|> in the Coiiiuil shall consist of inili\iihiaN and organi/ations interested in audiovisual materi- als. Meniliers in good standing -ili.dl have- ihc- privilege of voting, attending all meetings, and sliall leieive announcements of all meetings and copies of proceedings when released. Kach paid mendiership shall he entitled lo one vote, -t. ()FFIC:ERS: (a) lliis organi/alion sh.dl have as iis oflicers a ( \ic:e-C'.hairnian. .Secretarv. lu-asnii-i. .nul Delegates III iIk- I 11 \i Coi'Ncai. Of .Xmkrkv. (I)) 1 he officers of this organization shall be- c-li-cu-il lo serve one year bv a majoritv of the mcnd)ers preseni .ii ihe liusincss Meeting in May of each year and shall take office in Jnlv of the following fiscal vcar. .Ml elected officers shall bi- meinbi-is in good standing. '). f;().M.MITTEES: (a) Appropriate- commillees di-t.iiU-il in llie hvlavvs shall be .set up by the oflicers at their discretion to further the aims and purposes of the Midvalc I'ilm C.ouiuil. (I)) The oflicers and the eliairnien of ihe lonnniiucs shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Council. 6. .MEETINCiS: Meetings of the Eseculive Comniil U-e shall be held monthly. .S[)ecial meetings of this (unnnillec- sIi.lH bc- called at the discretion of the (b) Ciencral membership meetings shall In- held monihlv. .Special meetings of the organization niav be i.illi-d .n ihi- dis- ci et ion of the Executive Committee. 7. DUE.S: (a) Individual membership clues shall be .'ii2.(lll pc-i veai. payable prior to the .\nnnal llusiness Meeting. (b) Organi/alional membership dues shall be SKI.00 per veai. payable al the Aininal Business \l<-eliiig. 8. .\.MENDMENTS and BY-L.-VWS: .\nu-ndiiu-nis lo ihe (.on slilulion or the By-Laws of this organization sh.ill In- made onlv at a regular meeting thereof, hv a majorilv \oic ol the iiiembc-is present. No proposition to amend shall In acted upon unless written notice thereof has been given to ihi Sccrclary prior lo the meeting. A copy of sucli a proposition shall be eiidiodii-d in Ihe call for the next meeting, and a cojiy sent lo even nu in ber ol Ihe organization at least ten days before the- date ol ilu- iu-\i meeting at uhicli the amendment is to be- vou-d upon. BY-LAWS OF THE CION.STITUTION 1. OFFICERS: (a) Clhaimian aiul his duties: {I) It shall be the dulv of the ( h.iiiiiian lo pn-pan- Ihc- .igi-nd.i and preside at all meetings. (2) He shall call special meetings ol ilu- (oniuil oi iiiive- C:ommiItce when he deenrs it necessary or uluii lequc-su-d to do so by the Executive Committc-e. or upon uiiiiin re(|Uest of al least one fourth of the membership. iS) He shall appoint all ccmimitlee (hairmen. (b) Vice-CJiainnan: (1) In the absence of the Chairman, ihe \iceC.hairman shall assume all duties of the Chairman. (2) He shall be ihe exofficio member of all connniltees. (c) Secretary: il) All resolutions and proceedings of the meet ings ol Ihe Couiu il sh.dl In- i-iiiii<-d in ilu- piope-i boeiks bv the •Secretary. (2) Ihe .Secretary shall (ondnci all coriesiiondence relating to Ihe Council, and shall perforin :ill duties pertaining to the olllce of the- Secielarv. (<1) Treasurer: .\ll inonevs pav.ibli- lo ilu- Coinuil sh.ill be paid to the I reasuier of the Council. (2) .-Ml moneys payable by the Council shall b<- paid by (hecks signc-d bv ilu- Ireasniei. ^'^) He shall u-poi i ihe condilioii ol ilu- Ireiisnrv at each nu-eling of the- Couiuil. (e) Exeeulive Clonnuittee: (I) Il shall be the diilv ol the txetu- live ( ommillee lo determine the policies and to plan activities ol ilu- (oinuil. and lo lake charge, control, and manage all piopeiiv belonging lo the Council. ('_') 1 hey shall keep a record of Iheir proceedings and m.ike a report thereof in writing lo the Couiuil al ihe Annual Business Meeting in May. (3) It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to super- vise the linances of the Cotnicil and audit all bills prior to pavnu-nl ihereof. ill Ihe ollice of a member of ihe Executive Committee inav be considered vaiaiu bv his or her absence frcrm two consectr live iiu-c-lings of ilu- l-,\i-(iilive Commiltce withoni good and sullicunl ic-.lsou isl.K loi\ lo Ihc Kseilllive ( oiiiiiiil lie, II. CO^MAIITTEES AND THEIR 1)UTIE,S (a) Committees sh.ill be (siablished by the Executive Coinmiltee as iK-eded .nul ilu- woik ol ihc Council assigned as follows: (I) Informalion: shall prepare and obtain the publication of piess .111(1 ladio releases; shall contact the mendiership with nu-eling annoiiiu ciiK-nls :in(l invitations. 12) Membership: sh.ill (onlad for membeiship and oblaiii ilu- .i(liv(- participation ol .ill (ommunilv organizations, audio- visual specialists, and olhci liiends of informational lihns. (3) Organiialioii: shall h.iiulU- ill matters pertaining to con- siiiulion. by-laws and amendments thereto: make committee nominations for new ollicers to be elected at the .\nntial Bus- iiu-ss M(-cling: keep ihe register of members and check their .111(11(1.iiu(- .11 .ill iiu-clings. (4) Projects: shall organize and supervise Council projects, sudi as information centers, preview groups, fdm festivals, opc-ialois' (lasses, comnniniiy film calendars, film forums, sliideni lilm (ouncils. counnnniiy (((uipment calendars, spcm- sorship of lilm ( ouncils in neighboring towns and cities. (.">) Research: shall conduct surveys of members' lilm needs; make recommendation on Council projects and new films for Coiiiuil meetings; prepare suggestions to prcKlucers for new and belter lilms. (b) \ll commillees sh.ill Ik- subjcc i lo ilu- (all ol their respective ( hairmen. III. QUORUM (a) A m.ijoiilv ol ihe meml)ers shall consiiiute a cpioiinii aiiihor- izecl to transact the busines.^ of the Council. (b) RoiiKRis Rrrrs Ok Ordfh shall l>e the parliamentaiv aiiihor- itv for all matters of proccHlnre not spccificalh coverc-d bv ihe Consiinilion or Bv laws. Aii\ ( oniiinniily film roinuil ttiiiy fr<-f ly (idol)! Ilir form of this loiislttution. FEBRUARY 19 4 8 15