Select Pictures Magazine (1918)

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Page 4 SELECT PICTURES MAGAZINE 1 I I I 3 1 51 To Our Exhibitors HE material in these booklets has been written primarily for your use in securing local publicity. Cut out the various little stories, synopses, and other bits of interest, and hand them to your local news- papers. Have them use these "stories” immediately preced- ing and during the run of Select Pictures at your theatre. The publicity department of Select Pictures, like every other department of this organization, is ever ready at your service. Call on us freely for any help we can give you; also feel free to make any suggestions to us; we shall appreciate them. Remember to cut out the stories in these booklets and give them to your local papers; they have been written expressly for that purpose. You will see the inevitable results in increased interest and larger attendance at your showings of Select Pictures. Star Portraits and Stills All Select exchanges are supplied with several artistic styles of personal portraits in black and white of each of the Select stars. You can secure these at cost, ten cents each. Also black and white publicity "stills” for every production. Use these personal portraits and stills; they will inevitably heighten public interest.