The self-enchanted : Mae Murray : image of an era (1959)

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5 ^'mt'mt'mtJm^Mt'Mt'm'tmt' K ick it!" yelled the director and hot light jumped out from a dozen monstrous eyes. "O.K ! Action . . . Cameral" She leaned against the door. That's all there was, two walls, a fireplace and a door; she leaned against the door praying that he wouldn't try to beat it down. He was Wally Reid, playing Captain Ralph Percy, the dashing planter; and she was among the indentured maidens just arrived from England to be the planters' brides in To Have and To Hold. "You hear footsteps!" shouted director George Melford. "You retreat to the corner. This may be a wild man, you may have to GIVE yourself. Tremble . . . the door is opening . . . For chrissa\e, you're out of camera range!" He was bellowing like a bull. "CUT! Save it" he yelled. The lights went out and she could see him. "Miss Murray. You are not dancing in the Follies! There are chalk lines on the floor. Certainly they're visible. Stay within them." In a fury, he yanked off his coat and threw it to the floor. He was wearing a loudly striped shirt, a vest, a pin high on his 54